RESOLUTIONS assented to
said Francis Deakins by the act of November session, one thousand seven
and eighty-eight, chapter forty-four, section the eighteenth, shall be
in full
for his services, and other expences, in surveying and plotting the
lands westward
of Fort Cumberland; the above certificate to be receivable in taxes.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore,
or the officer in whose
hands the same may be, deliver up to Richard Mason his bond given for the
purchase of the schooner Two Sisters, seized by John Courts Jones, Esquire,
and sold by order of the court of admiralty, on his producing satisfactory
vouchers that he has paid and satisfied all charges and fees which
have accrued
from the said seizure.
RESOLVED, That the right of this state to demand
interest from all such
collectors, since the first day of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-three,
have discharged the principal sum of their collections, be and it is hereby
provided that the said collectors respectively shall return to the treasurers
of their respective shores a correct list, on oath, of all such persons
whom they have collected interest, and the amount thereof, and pay the
same to
the treasurers before their respective bonds shall be cancelled, and they
shall not
collect interest on any sums which may now be due from the people to them
as collectors aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of their respective shores
do deliver up to such
collectors their respective bonds as collectors aforesaid to be cancelled,
the said
collectors first paying the amount of such interest by them respectively
before the said bonds shall be delivered.
RESOLVED, That John Smith, of Baltimore-town, and
William Smithson,
of Harford county, Esquires, be and they are hereby authorised to determine
whether any and what sum of money ought to be paid by Baltimore to Harford
county, within the true meaning of the act of the last session, entitled,
An act to
lay a further tax on the people of Harford county to complete the public
of said county, and for other purposes, first giving notice to the county
courts of the said counties of the time and place of their meeting for
the purpose
of considering and determining the same; and such determination, when made
writing, and signed by the said arbitrators, shall be final and conclusive,
upon its being produced to Baltimore county court, they shall levy and
assess the
sum by the said arbitrators adjudged to be due (if any) on the taxable
in the said county, and the sum so assessed shall be collected with, and
in the
same manner as, the county tax, and paid to the order of Harford county
and appropriated according to the directions of the said act; provided,
that in
case a difference should arise between the said arbitrators, that they
be empowered
to call in an umpire, not an inhabitant of either of the said counties
of Baltimore
or Harford, to settle such difference.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that Charles Carroll,
of Carrollton, Esquire, hath resigned his appointment as one of the commissioners
for building a new prison in the city of Annapolis; RESOLVED, That Mr.
Charles Wallace be and he is hereby appointed a commissioner in the place
of the
said Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, Esquire, and he shall have all the
power of
any one of the said commissioners.
RESOLVED, That the several officers may and they
are hereby authorised
and empowered to send out their accounts of fees due them on all civil
suits and
executions wherein the state is and hath been plaintiff, and which fees
are payable
by the several defendants, and that the sheriffs of the several counties
hereby authorised and directed to collect and receive the same, by execution
otherwise, in the same manner, and upon the same terms, as are prescribed
in the
act for the regulation of officers fees, and pay the same to the several
officers, or
their order, after deducting their usual commission.
RESOLVED, That in future all officers return their
accounts of fees, on oath
to the committee of claims, for which they claim an allowance from
the state