fairly stated, and fully expressive on what principle the state is chargeable
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be directed
to strike off no suit at the
instance of the state, before the fees are paid, or secured to be paid,
in all cases
where they are, by law, chargeable to said defendants.
ON the second reading the report on the letter of
John White, state agent,
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested to carry the same
RESOLVED, That the governor of this state be requested
to communicate
to the governor of Virginia, that the law and resolution of the said
respecting the seat of federal government, enclosed in his excellency's
letter of the sixteenth day of December, instant, were laid before
the legislature
of this state on the point of their rising, so that they had not sufficient
time to
form a determination thereon.
A LIST of the LAWS passed last SESSION.
AN ACT, entitled, An act to confirm an act, entitled,
An act to alter such parts of the constitution
and form of government as prevent
a citizen from taking a seat in the legislature,
or being an elector of the senate,
without taking an oath to the support of this government,
passed at November session, seventeen
hundred and eighty-eight.
An ACT to open a road from or near Christian Bower's
mill, on Big Pipe Creek, in Frederick
county, by Ox Moor's mill, on Patapsco falls, to intersect
the great public road leading from
Westminster-town to Baltimore-town.
An ACT for the benefit of Barbara Hall.
An ACT for the relief of William Robertson, of Montgomery,
and Robert Amos, junior, of
Harford county.
An ACT for the preservation of the breed of wild deer,
and for other purposes therein mentioned.
An ACT to ratify certain articles in addition to, and amendment of, the
constitution of the United
States of America, proposed by congress to the legislature
of the several states.
An ACT to streighten, amend and repair, the public road in Frederick county
leading towards
Carlisle, in Pennsylvania.
An ACT to regulate the assize of bread.
An ACT for the relief of Sarah Hall, of Baltimore county.
An ACT for the benefit of Samuel Chase, of Baltimore-town.
An ACT to repeal all those parts of an act of assembly, passed at February
session, in the year of
out Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven,
entitled, An act to punish certain
crimes and misdemeanors, and to prevent the growth of
toryism, which make it necessary to
take, repeat and subscribe, the oath therein mentioned.
An ACT to alter and amend that part of the public road
leading from Port-Tobacco, in Charles
county, to Leonard-town, in Saint Mary's county, which
lies between Allen's Fresh and Pile's
An ACT for the relief of Benjamin Rogers.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the relief of certain purchasers
of confiscated property.
An ACT for the draining of a marsh and branch known by the name of the
Long Marsh, lying in
Queen-Anne's and Caroline counties.
An ACT to enable certain commissioners to make partition of a tract or
parcel of land called Bohemia
Manor, lying in part within Cæcil county of this
state, and part in New-Castle county, in
the state of Delaware, and for other purposes therein
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the removal of the seat of
justice from Charles-town to
the Head of Elk, in Cæcil county.
An additional supplement to an act, entitled, An act for securing the title
of the proprietors of lots
and houses in Charles-town, in Charles county, passed
November session, one thousand seven hundred
and seventy-nine.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish
a market at the market-house in Chester-town,
in Kent county, and for the regulation of the said market.
An ACT to enable the justices of Saint-Mary's county court to assess a
sum of money on the said
county for the support of an idiot, the child of Benjamim
Bradburn, in the said county.
An ACT to open a road from the great falls of Gunpowder, at a place known
by the name of Meredith's
Ford, until it intersect the main road leading from
Baltimore-town to York-town, in Pennsylvania,
at a place called Buck's Old Field.
An ACT to ascertain the mode of trial in certain cases.
An ACT to incorporate George-town, in Montgomery county.
An ACT for the relief of certain foreigners who have settled within this
state, and for other purposes,
supplemental to the act for naturalization.
An additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act
for building a new court-house and gaol in
Queen-Anne's county and for other purposes.
An ACT to regulate the inspection of tobacco.
An ACT to empower Anthony Addison and Overton Carr, of
Prince-George's county, to sell and
dispose of the personal property of Henry Addison Callis. |