RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
be authorised and directed
to receive from Benjamin Bradford Norris, one of the securities of Samuel
Groome Osborn, collector of the tax for Harford county for the year seventeen
hundred and eighty-six, the certificates received by said Osborn, agreeably
to an
account proved on the nineteenth of October, seventeen hundred and eighty-nine,
before Bennett Bussey, one of the justices for said county, and credit
the account
of said collector for the principal and interest of said certificates;
provided that
the said certificates were receivable, by law, for taxes due the state
for the year
seventeen hundred and eighty-six.
ON the second reading the report of the committee
to whom was referred
the memorial of Samuel Chase, RESOLVED, That the contract made by the said
Samuel Chase and John Churchman, of Cæcil county, with Daniel of
Thomas Jenifer, Esquire, late intendant of the revenue, for the purchase
of part
of the reserve lands in Harford and Baltimore counties, described in the
memorial, be rescinded, and that the treasurer of the western shore be
and directed to cancel the said contract, and the bonds given by the said
Chase and John Churchman for payment of the consideration money of the
lands, and that the said treasurer deliver up the said contract and bonds
to the
said Samuel Chase.
ON the second reading the report on the petition
of Samuel Chase, RESOLVED,
That the said Samuel Chase be released from the purchase of the lots
on Whetstone-Point, and also from the purchase of the lots in the city
of Annapolis,
and that the said lots on Whetstone-Point, and in the city of Annapolis,
be taken back, on the terms proposed by the said Samuel Chase, for the
use of the state, and that the treasurer of the western shore be authorised
directed to cancel and deliver to the said Samuel Chase the bond given
for the
payment of the consideration money of the lots in Annapolis.
RESOLVED, That the execution issued against Thomas
Miles, on his bond
in the treasury, as security for Abraham Britton, be and is hereby
suspended on
his first paying the costs, and that no further process issue on the said
bond until
the chancellor shall have decreed on the bill of complaint now depending
him by the said Thomas Miles, or until the end of the next session
of assembly.
WHEREAS an act of assembly passed at April session,
seventeen hundred and
eighty-seven, empowering Sarah Buchanan, executrix of Archibald Buchanan,
deceased, Alexander Cowan, Thomas Sim Lee, Daniel of Saint Thomas Jenifer
and Benjamin Nicholson, to sell and dispose of certain lands, for the purpose
paying and discharging a debt due the state by the said Buchanan, for which
Alexander Cowan and John Taylor were securities, and the said trustees
did sell the lands mentioned in the said act to Thomas Cockey Deye,
whom they received two thirds of the purchase money, and paid the same
the treasury; that the remaining one third the purchaser hath refused to
pay, and
a bill in chancery is now depending to compel him so to do; and it appearing
but just and reasonable that the securities of the said Archibald Buchanan,
should be indulged in the payment of the balance until a decision of the
said suit in chancery, RESOLVED, That all proceedings against the aforesaid
John Taylor, and the estate of Alexander Cowan, deceased for the aforesaid
debt of the said Archibald Buchanan, deceased, be suspended until the end
of the
next session of assembly.
RESOLVED, That William Alexander, of Cæcil
county, may at any time,
on or before the first day of March next, pay into the treasury, in depreciation
or other liquidated state certificates, the amount of the balance due by
him on a
contract with the commissioners for the sale of confiscated property.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
issue to Francis Deakins
a certificate for the sum of one hundred and sixty-one pounds one shilling,
which, in addition to the sum of two hundred pounds directed to be paid
to the