RESOLUTIONS assented to
RESOLVED, That the governor and council take order
on the letter from
Alexander Hamilton, secretary of the treasury of the United States, addressed
to the governor, dated September 26, 1789.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be empowered
to suspend all
further proceedings of the agents appointed to sell the real and personal
purchased under the act, entitled, An act to empower the governor and council
to compound with the discoverers of British property, and for other purposes,
until the end of this session of assembly.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
pay to William Phillips
or order, the sum of eighty-four pounds sixteen shillings and three-pence
current money, it being the sum paid by said Phillips into the treasury
for a tract
of land called Partnership, since granted to Robert Goldsborough.
RESOLVED, That on Edward Oldham's discharging the
principal and interest
of the bond in which he became bound to the state for the sum of seven
hundred and ten pounds and nine shillings current money, as security for
Yates, on a purchase made by the said Yates of part of the confiscated
of the Principio Company, a deed shall be executed to the said Oldham for
land purchased by said Yates as aforesaid.
WHEREAS William Hammond, of Baltimore-town, hath
set forth in his
petition, that he lodged in the treasury of the western shore of this state
the sum
of thirteen hundred and twenty-five pounds continental money, being
of the value
of thirty-three pounds two shillings and six-pence black state money, on
of James Russell and James Gildart, under the act aforesaid, since which
he hath fully paid and satisfied the said James Russell and James Gildart,
and he
cannot draw the said money, unless by an order of the legislature, agreeably
the act of assembly passed at October session, seventeen hundred and eighty;
praying a return of the money paid into the treasury aforesaid; and the
said facts
appearing to this general assembly to be true; RESOLVED, That the treasurer
the western shore deliver unto the said William Hammond, or order, the
sum of thirty-three pounds two shillings and six-pence exchanged for the
sum of
continental money deposited in the treasury as aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That Philip Reed be allowed to pay into
the treasury of the
western shore certificates issued for claims against the property of persons
or attainted of high treason to the amount of his bond to William Brown,
and that the bond of the aforesaid William Brown, due to the state, be
with the same, provided the said William Brown consents to the payment
to be made by the said Philip Reed; provided that nothing in this resolution
be taken to give any further time for the payment of the debt of the said
Brown, than he enjoys at present under the existing laws of this state.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they
are authorised to
examine the accounts of Richard Harrison against this state, and his vouchers
and papers relating thereto, and the same to adjust agreeable to equity
and justice.
ON the second reading of the report on the petition
of William West, Daniel
Bowley and Richard Ridgely, RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be
and he
is hereby authorised and directed to withdraw the information, and all
thereon, in the high court of chancery, on behalf of this state, against
aforesaid William West, Daniel Bowley and Richard Ridgely, respecting certain
property mentioned in the last will of Thomas Harrison, late of Baltimore
deceased, on the said defendants paying all costs incurred by the state
on the said
information, and that the claim of the state to the said property be and
it is
hereby relinquished; provided that nothing herein contained shall be so
as to place the said William West, Daniel Bowley and Richard Ridgely, in
other situation than if no claim had been made on the part of this state
to affect
the property of the said Thomas Harrison.