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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 432   View pdf image (33K)
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                                LAWS of MARYLAND.

conviction shall happen; and any slave or servant, convicted and adjudged in any
county court to serve and labour according to this act, who shall not be sent to
Baltimore county, and shall survive his time of conviction, such slave or servant
shall, immediately after the expiration thereof, be sold at auction by the order of
any two of the justices of the county where such conviction shall happen, and
the money arising from the sale shall be applied to the use of such county; provided
always, that such servant shall not be sold for a longer time than remained
of his or her servitude at the time of his or her being so adjudged.

Subpœna may
issue for witness

in any
county, &c.
    XXXI.  And be it enacted, Where any witness may be or reside in any other
county in this state, the said justices, or any county court, shall have full power
to issue subpœna for such witness, directed to the sheriff of the county where
such witness shall reside, and such sheriff shall serve and return the same; and if
any person, so summoned, shall neglect to attend, attachment may issue against
him, directed as aforesaid, and by virtue thereof, the sheriff shall be obliged to
have the body of such witness before the court issuing such attachment; and in
case of neglect or delay, by such sheriff, to serve and return such subpœna or attachment,
and to have the body of such witness, such sheriff may be fined by the
court issuing such process; and every process and subpœna issued from one county
to another, shall be forwarded by the sheriff of the county issuing the same, and
he shall be allowed by the justices of his county a reasonable compensation for
his trouble.
Court may issue
process against
removed, &c.
    XXXII.  And be it enacted, If any person shall commit any crime or offence
in any county of which he is not an inhabitant, or if any person shall commit any
crime or offence in the county of which he is an inhabitant, and shall remove
after the commission of such crime or offence, and shall be presented or indicted
in the county where the crime or offence shall have been committed, the court
before whom such presentment or indictment shall be found, shall have power to
issue process against such person, directed to the sheriff of the county where such
person shall reside, and such sheriff shall serve and return such process in the same
manner as if issued by the county court of his county; and in case of neglect or
delay in such sheriff to execute and return such process, he may be fined by the
court issuing such process.
Justices to execute
powers, &c.
    XXXIII.  And be it enacted, That the justices appointed in virtue of this act,
or any three or more of them, be authorised and required to execute all the powers
vested in the commissioners of Baltimore-town in virtue of the act, entitled,
An act for the establishment and regulation of a night watch, and the erection of
lamps, in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county; and that all the powers and
jurisdiction granted to the said commissioners, under the said act, shall cease and

And lay a tax 
on dogs, &c.
    XXXIV.  And, as a further fund towards the expences for the establishment
of a watch, and the erection of lamps, in Baltimore-town, Be it enacted, That 
the said justices, or any three or more of them, may lay an annual tax, not exceeding
seven shillings and six-pence current money, on every dog belonging to
any inhabitant of the said town; and the said justices may direct the said tax to
be collected from the owner of such dog, by execution of his person or goods;
and the said justices shall have power, from time to time, to make such regulations
respecting the keeping dogs in the said town, as may be effectual to discover
the owners, ad for the collection of said tax; and they may authorise the
killing of any dog whose owner cannot be ascertained.
Slaves, &c.
convicted, to
be valued,

    XXXV.  And be it enacted, If any slave or servant hath been, or shall be,
convicted and adjudged, agreeably to the present law for the more effectual
punishment of criminals, to serve and labour according to the said act, that it
shall be lawful for the court, before who such slave or servant hath been, or
shall be, convicted and adjudged to labour as aforesaid, to value such slave or
servant, and to enter the same in their proceedings, and such value shall be paid
by the state, or the county where such conviction hath or shall happen, in the

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Laws of Maryland 1785-1791
Volume 204, Page 432   View pdf image (33K)
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