appear to the said justices by the record of conviction; but if such
person shall be
demanded by the state from whence he escaped, he shall be immediately delivered
agreeably to such demand. |
XXVII. And be
it enacted, That the said justices be authorised to appoint
any number of constables they may think proper, and to displace them, and
others in their room, for the execution of this act; and the said justices
may allow such constables such reward as the said justices may think reasonable,
and they may assess on Baltimore county any sum not exceeding two hundred
pounds current money, for that purpose, which shall be collected with the
assessment. |
Justices may
appoint constables,
&c. |
be it enacted, That the expence attending the execution of this
act, shall be paid by Baltimore county, and shall be assessed by the said
ad collected with eh county assessment; and the said justices are hereby
to publish, in one of the Baltimore news-papers, a statement of the money
them annually received and expended in virtue of this act, and to return
a duplicate
of sid account or accounts annually to the general assembly, at their November
sessions. |
Expence to be
paid by Baltimore
&c. |
XXIX. And be
it enacted, That the general court, and every county court,
of this state, (except the county court of Baltimore county,) shall have
the same
power, and may pass judgment in the same manner, against any criminal convicted
before them for any of the crimes herein before enumerated, as is given
and allowed by this act to the justices appointed in virtue thereof; and
in case
of the conviction and adjudication of any slave or servant to serve and
agreeably to this act, the court before whom they shall be so convicted
and adjudged
shall value them; and if convicted and adjudged in the general court,
valuation shall be paid to the owner by the treasurer of the western or
shore, where such slave or servant shall be convicted; and if convicted
and adjudged
in any county court, the valuation shall be assessed in the county assessment,
and paid to the owner by the collector thereof; and the general court may
order any criminal, so convicted and adjudged before them, to be conveyed,
the expence of the state, and any county court may order any criminal,
so convicted
and adjudged before them, to be conveyed, at the expence of such county,
and delivered to the person or persons appointed to take care of the criminals
Baltimore county, and the said person or persons are hereby directed and
to receive, and work and treat, such criminal, so conveyed to Baltimore
county, shall be subject, in every respect, to the regulations and provisions
herein before prescribed, respecting the criminals convicted in Baltimore
and every county sending a criminal to Baltimore county, shall pay, at
the time
of delivery of such criminal, to the person or persons to whom such criminal
shall be delivered, the sum of five pounds current money, and the state
will pay
the same sum for every criminal sent by the general court; and any county
may adjudge any such free male criminal to work and labour for such time
they may think proper, not exceeding seven years, and any slave not exceeding
fourteen years, for the same crime, on the public roads of their county;
and any
free female criminal to work, for any term not exceeding seven years for
same crime, in the work-house of their county, or other place of confinement,
and in such case the said court may make such provisions and regulations
for the
employment of such criminals, and the expences thereof, as they may think
proper. |
court, &c. to
have the same
power, &c. |
XXX. And be
it enacted, If any slave or servant, convicted and adjudged in
the general court, or any county court, to serve and labour according to
this act,
shall be sent to Baltimore county, and shall survive his time of conviction,
slave or servant shall, immediately after the expiration thereof be sold
at auction
by the order of any two of the justices appointed in virtue of this act,
and the
money arising from the sale shall be paid unto the treasurer of the western
if convicted in the general court, or to the sheriff of the county in which
the |
Slave, &c. in
certain cases,
to be sold, &c. |