petitioner hath applied for and obtained an escheat warrant for the
same, and
therefore prayed that the state might relinquish all right and title to
the said tract
of land; and this general assembly thinking the prayer of the said John
Ross to
be reasonable and just, have consented to grant the same; |
Right vested
in J. Ross,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said John
Ross be and is hereby vested with all the right and title which the state
of Maryland
hath, or might lawfully claim, to the said tract of land called Part of
Benson's Enlargement, and the right and title of the said John Ross thereto
hereby confirmed; saving nevertheless to all person and persons whatsoever,
bodies politic and corporate, not herein named, their several and respective
rights. |
Passed December
25. |
An ACT to empower Thomas Worrell, son of Edward Worrell,
late sheriff and collector of Kent county, to complete
the collections
due and unpaid to his deceased father, for the year
hundred and eighty-nine. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition of
Thomas Worrell, eldest son of Edward Worrell, late of Kent county,
deceased, that the said Edward Worrell was, in the month of
October, seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, elected sheriff of the county
and was afterwards duly commissioned to execute the said office, and was
also appointed, for the said county, collector of the public taxes and
county rates
for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-nine; that the said Edward Worrell
departed this life on or about the ninth day of November, seventeen hundred
eighty-nine, leaving many balances of the said taxes and county rates due
and unpaid
at the time of his decease; and the said Thomas Worrell has prayed that
may be empowered to collect all such balances due and unpaid as aforesaid,
the same manner that his deceased father might have done, when living,
in virtue
of his said several offices of sheriff and collector; and it appearing
to this genera;
assembly that the prayer of the said petition is highly reasonable, |
T. Worrell to
collect, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said
Thomas Worrell be and he is hereby authorised and empowered to take, demand,
collect and receive, the residue of the public assessments, taxes, dues,
fees and
demands, all and every sum and sums of money, or quantity of tobacco, due
to the said Edward Worrell, in virtue of his several offices of sheriff
and collector
of the public assessment, or county rate, for the year seventeen hundred
eighty-nine, in as full and ample a manner as the said Edward Worrell could
have done was he now living, and his several offices unexpired; and the
Thomas Worrell shall be allowed until the first day of October next
to complete
the collection of the balances aforesaid, and shall be allowed the same
upon the said collections that his deceased father would have been entitled
to. |
Proviso. |
III. Provided
nevertheless, That before the said Thomas Worrell shall proceed
to execute the said office of collector, he shall enter into bond, with
sufficient securities as shall be approved of by the treasurer of the eastern
shore, in
the sum of five thousand pounds current money, to this state, conditioned
for the
faithful performance of the trust reposed in him by virtue of this act,
and for
truly accounting with the several persons interested in the collection
of the said
taxes, fees and charges; and the said bond shall be recorded among the
records of
Kent county court, and be afterwards transmitted to the clerk of the general
court for the eastern shore, to be there recorded and deposited for safe
custody. |
Proviso. |
IV. And provided
also, That before the said Thomas Worrell, or his agents,
shall proceed to collect, by execution, any taxes, fees or charges,
claimed of any
citizen or citizens of the said county, a full and fair account of such
taxes, fees
or charges, shall be delivered to every such citizen or citizens, for the
space of
ten days at the least before a demand for payment shall be enforced by
the said
collector or his agents; and every such account shall be verified by an
affidavit of |