the said Thomas Worrell, if he be thereto required by any such citizen
or citizens,
that it does not appear by the books, papers, or other documents of Edward
Worrell, late of Kent county, deceased, that he said account, or any article
thereof, hath been paid or satisfied, and that he doth not know of any
thereof being made to the said Edward Worrell, or to any other person for
use, and that he hath not himself received the same, or any part thereof,
so much as shall be credited on the said account; and if any citizen, of
such taxes, fees or charges, shall be claimed, shall allege that the same
been paid to any agent or deputy of the said Edward Worrell, it shall be
for the said Thomas Worrell, or other person interested, to cause such
agent or
deputy to be summoned before a justice of the peace of such county, and
to be
examined, on oath or affirmation, concerning the truth of such allegations. |
An ACT to alter such parts of the constitution and form of government
as require certain oaths to be taken by members of
the general assembly and electors of the senate. |
Passed December
25. |
WHEREAS certain citizens of this state hold it unlawful
to take an
oath on any occasion, and it is highly improper to restrain the people
in the choice of delegates, and electors of the senate, further than the
security of the state may require; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all those parts
of the constitution and form of government that require certain oaths
to be taken
by members of the general assembly, and by electors of the senate, shall
be and
hereby are repealed, abrogated, and made null and void, and hereafter a
affirmation or declaration may and shall be received instead of an
oath, from any
citizen conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath in any case, and permitted
by the constitution to affirm in certain cases, and who shall hereafter
be chosen
a senator, delegate, or elector of the senate. |
Part of the
repealed, &c. |
An ACT to alter the time
of holding the court of appeals. |
Passed December
25. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that
the holding of the
court of appeals on the first Tuesday in the months of May and
October is inconvenient; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the court of
appeals to be held on the first Tuesday in May next, shall, by virtue of
this act,
be held on the second Tuesday in the month of June next; and every appeal
proceeding now depending in the said court, shall be and hereby are continued
from the said first Tuesday in May next, until the said second Tuesday
in June
next; and every appeal and proceeding now depending in the said court,
stand in the same state and condition, to all intents and purposes, on
the said
second Tuesday in June next, as the same would be in on the first Tuesday
May next, if this act had not been made; and the said court to be held
in virtue
of this act on the second Tuesday of June next, when adjourned by the judges
of the said court, after finishing their business, shall be and hereby
is adjourned
to the second Tuesday in November next; and the said court, for ever thereafter,
shall be held on the second Tuesday in the months of June and November. |
When court
of appeals is
to be held,
&c. |
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings in Saint-Mary's county
court. |
Passed December
25. |
WHEREAS the justices of Saint-Mary's county court,
on the sixteenth
day of this present money, were prevented by the badness of the
weather, and the general indisposition of the justices, from meeting
and holding their court agreeable to their adjournment of September term,
divers actions, suits and proceedings, civil and criminal, were discontinued;
aiding therefore the said actions, suits and proceedings, and for saving,
as far as |
Preamble. |