purpose of erecting the court-house aforesaid; which said assessment
so as aforesaid
to be made and levied, shall be collected by the collector of the county
the time being, in the same manner as other county charges are by law collected;
and the said sums of money, when so as aforesaid respectively collected,
shall be
paid by such collector to the aforesaid commissioners, or the major part
of them,
or to their order or orders, which said commissioners, or the major part
of them,
are hereby authorised and required to receive and apply the same to the
uses and
purposes by this act directed. |
V. And be it
enacted, That to enable the said commissioners to proceed to
the execution of the trust reposed in them by this act, they, or the major
part of
them, shall be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to draw on
treasurer of the western shore for any sum or sums of money not exceeding
thousand five hundred pounds current money, and the said treasurer
is hereby
empowered and directed to pay to the said commissioners, or to the major
part of
them, or to their order or orders, the aforesaid sum or sums of money,
out of
any unappropriated money which may hereafter be paid into the treasury,
or out
of any unappropriated money which may remain in the treasury after the
of the journal of accounts for the present session, and the civil list. |
to drawn on
treasurer, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or the major part of
them, shall be and they are hereby authorised and required to contract
and agree
for the building of the said court-house, and to direct the plan of the
which said court-house, when erected and finished, shall be used as, and
held and deemed to be, the proper court-house of the general court of the
shore of Maryland, and of the county of Talbot. |
And contract
for the building,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That in case any of the said commissioners shall die,
remove, refuse, or discontinue to act, the governor and council shall appoint
or more person or persons, as the case may be, to supply the vacancy. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the said commissioners shall be paid all necessary
expences incurred by them in the execution of the trust reposed in them
by this act. |
allowance. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the said commissioners, or a major part of them,
shall render a full and fair account to the governor and council, for the
being, of the receipts and expenditures of all monies which shall be them
and expended in virtue of this act. |
Account to be
rendered, &c. |
An ACT for the benefit of
John Ross, of Baltimore county. |
Passed December
25. |
WHEREAS John Ross, of Baltimore county, hath represented
to this
general assembly, that a certain James Edge, late of Talbot county,
deceased, by his last will, bearing date in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and fifty-one, devised to his wife, Hannah Edge,
his heirs for ever, all the real estate which he might die seized or possessed
that the same James Edge had conveyed to him, some time in the year seventeen
hundred and fifty-two, by a certain William Skinner, a tract of land called
Part of Benson's Enlargement, containing one hundred and eighty-eight acres,
more or less, situate and lying in Talbot county; that the said James
Edge departed
this life some time in the year seventeen hundred and fifty-seven,
heirs; that the said Hannah Edge became possessed of the said tract of
under the will aforesaid, on the death of her husband, and died in the
thereof some time in the year seventeen hundred and fifty-nine, leaving
a certain
Edward Oldham her heir at law, who became possessed thereof, and continued
his possession until his death; that the said Edward Oldham, by his last
bearing date on the tenth day of January, seventeen hundred and sixty-four,
the said tract of land to the petitioner; that doubts having arisen whether
the said tract of land became escheat on the death of the said James Edge,
the |
Preamble. |