to summon _____ that he appear on the _____ day of _____ before the
subscriber, surveyor of _____ county, at _____ in said county, to give
evidence on a survey to be then made of a tract of land called _____, (or
of ground, or tracts of and, as the case may be,) in pursuance of an
order from
the high court of chancery. Given under my hand and seal this _____
of _____ 17 _____;" and the said summons shall be directed to the sheriff
or coroner, as the case may require, of the county where the witness resides,
and shall be returned to the surveyor who issued it; and in case of the
of any witness, agreeably to such summons, when it is returned summoned,
and the said appearing to the chancellor, the said witness shall, on motion
to the chancellor, be adjudged in contempt of the court, and upon motion
there shall be the same process and proceedings as in other cases of
contempt. |
Sheriff, &c. to
summon witnesses,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That on writs or warrants of resurvey from the general
or any county court, the sheriff or coroner, as heretofore, shall summon
witnesses, and upon proof of such summons and non-appearance of a witness
made to the court from which the warrant or writ issued, he shall, on motion,
adjudged in contempt of the court, and attachment may issue as in other
of contempt. |
Allowance to
witnesses, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That there shall be allowed to any witness attending
agreeably to any summons aforesaid, the same allowance as is made to a
witness attending a county court, to be recovered by order and attachment
the court which issued the order, writ or warrant, for the survey, or by
a warrant
as in case of small debts, if under five pounds. |
Passed December
25. |
An ACT for the building a court-house in Talbot county, for
the accommodation of the general court for the eastern
and the county of Talbot. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by an act passed at a session of the general
assembly, begun
and held at the city of Annapolis on Monday the third day of November,
seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, it was enacted, that
the general court for the eastern shore of this state should for ever thereafter
held at Easton, in Talbot county; and it is represented to this general
that the court-house belonging to the said county is extremely inconvenient,
incompetent to accommodate the general court, from whence it appears necessary
that a court-house should be there erected for the accommodation of the
general court: And whereas it is represented that the inhabitants
of Talbot
county are willing to defray part of the expence of the building; therefore, |
appointed. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Robert
Goldsborough, William Perry, William Hayward, Howes Goldsborough, James
Tilghman, junior, Pollard Edmondson and David Kerr, Esquires, shall be
are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose of carrying this act
execution. |
Ground appropriated,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the public ground in the town of Easton, in
the said county of Talbot, shall be and the same is hereby appropriated
to the
uses intended by this act, and shall be hereafter vested in the justices
of Talbot
county court, and in the judges of the said general court, for the
mutual accommodation
of the general court for the eastern shore, and of the county court
of Talbot county. |
Justices to levy
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the justices of Talbot county aforesaid, shall be
and they are hereby authorised, directed and required, top assess and levy
on the
property of said county, at the time of laying their public levies, the
sum of
five hundred pounds current money, that is to say, the sum of two hundred
and fifty pounds in the year seventeen hundred and ninety, and the sum
of two
hundred and fifty pounds in the year seventeen hundred and ninety-one,
for the |