or in any manner concerned in the receipt or collection of the said
taxes under
the said Veazey, or by virtue of his authority, or in his name or otherwise,
and shall, at the request of, and when called upon by, the said Peter Lawson,
upon their respective oaths, produce, shew, explain to and lay before him,
the books, accounts, memorandums, papers, and vouchers whatsoever of
said agents, deputies, receivers or others, so concerned as aforesaid,
and make
and deliver necessary copies and extracts thereof to the said Peter Lawson,
the purpose of settling all the accounts, claims and demands, relative
to the
taxes aforesaid; and if the said John Ward Veazey, or any of his said deputies,
agents or receivers, shall refuse or delay to comply, in any respect, with
such request
or demand of the said Peter Lawson, concerning the said books, accounts,
papers, memorandums and vouchers, relating to the said taxes, it shall
and may
be lawful for the said Peter Lawson to exhibit his complaint thereof, in
to the justices of the next county court for such county, and the said
justices, on
being satisfied thereof by the affidavit of the said Peter Lawson, or otherwise,
shall be and they are hereby authorised and required to award an attachment
contempt against the said John Ward Veazey, or any of his said agents,
or receivers, so refusing or delaying to comply with such request or demand,
immediately; and if, on the appearance of the said parties so attached,
they, or either of them, shall pertinaciously refuse or delay to comply
with the
directions of this act, such parties shall thereupon be fined at the discretion
of the
said justices, and be committed to the public prison of the said county,
until a
compliance be obtained, without bail or mainprize. |
IV. And,
whereas it is represented to the general assembly, by the verification
of sundry witnesses, that the said John Ward Veazey hath greatly misconducted
himself in the said office of collector, and hath neglected to make any
into the treasury, although there is good reason to believe that he hath
many collections of the said taxes, and hath now in his possession some
sums of money received from the citizens of the said county; Be
it further
enacted, by the authority aforesaid,
That it shall be lawful for the said Peter
Lawson to direct the clerk of Cæcil county to issue a summons for
witnesses, to
be and appear before the said justices at their next succeeding court,
to give such
evidence concerning the conduct of the said John Ward Veazey, as shall
be required
of them in court; and if it shall appear to the said justices that the
John Ward Veazey hath collected any sums of money, and hath not accounted
therefor, or paid any such sums into the treasury of this state, or that
there is
good reason to believe that the said John Ward Veazey hath some considerable
sum or sums of money in his possession, and hath refused to account for
any pay
the same, it shall be lawful for the said justices, and they are hereby
forthwith to issue an attachment against him, returnable immediately, and
the appearance of the said John Ward Veazey, the said justices shall examine
him on interrogatories tending to discover, what sums of money he hath
from the citizens of the said county, their amount, quality and species;
to what
uses he hath applied the same, and the particular sums thereof; whether
he had
not on or about the third or other day of September last the sum of one
pounds in money, or a considerable sum of money; in what manner he
hath disposed of such money; whether he hath not, at the time of such
some considerable sums of money in his possession; whether he is willing
to pay
over such sums of money as he may have in his possession to the aforesaid
Peter Lawson;
whether he did not acknowledge to some one or more persons that he had
such sums of money in his possession; and such other interrogatories as
may be
proposed by the said justices, at the request of the said Peter Lawson,
or otherwise,
as shall tend to discover the truth concerning his collection of the said
and the expenditures thereof, and the said interrogatories shall be answered
the said John Ward Veazey upon oath; and if the said John Ward Veazey shall
refuse to answer such interrogatories, or shall prevaricate, or otherwise
himself pertinaciously before the said justices, or if it shall appear
that the said
John Ward Veazey hath received, and not accounted for, any sum or sums
money in virtue of his office of collector, it shall be lawful for the
said justices,
and they are hereby authorised and required, to remand the said John Ward |
P. Lawson to
direct summons
to issue,
&c. |