of the money remaining due after the creditors shall be paid; and the
said trustees
shall transmit to the said treasurer all bonds remaining unassigned to
the said creditors,
if the sales shall be directed to be made on credit, and the said treasurer
shall take charge thereof, and in default of payment shall prosecute suits
for a recovery of the money; and if the said sales shall be made for
money, the
said trustees shall, within the space of three months thereafter, render
a fair and
full account to the said treasurer of eh several sums of money by them
paid in
discharge of the debts of the said John Mitchell, according to the directions
the said chancellor, and if any balance shall remain after such payment
of the
said debts, the same shall be forthwith paid to the said treasurer for
the use of
this state, except such commissions on the amount of the said sales for
the trouble
of the said trustees as shall be allowed by the chancellor, not exceeding
rate of six per centum, whether the said sales be made on credit
or otherwise, and
if made on credit, the bonds or other security given by the purchasers
shall be
taken by the said trustees in the name of this state, and be accounted
for with
the said treasurer, subject to such assignments thereof as may be made
as aforesaid. |
Passed December
25. |
An ACT for the relief of the securities of John Ward Veazey,
collector of the state taxes for the year one thousand
seven hundred
and eighty-six, in Cæcil county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Peter Lawson and John Dockery Thompson,
a minor, by
their petition to this general assembly, have set forth, that he the
Peter Lawson, and John Dockery Thompson, deceased, father of the
said John Dockery Thompson, a minor, became securities for John Ward
Veazey, as collector of the state taxes for the year one thousand seven
and eighty-six, in Cæcil county; that said Veazey has made very considerable
collections, and has made no payments into the treasury; that he has refused
give any satisfaction to the securities, by shewing what balances were
due on the
books, or in what manner the monies collected have been applied; that all
said Veazey's property which could be found, has been sold at the suit
of the
state, and there still remains more than two thousand pounds due to the
state for
said taxes; and that said Veazey delays making any payments; and it appearing
that said Veazey has had notice of this application to this assembly
for relief in
the premises. |
P. Lawson
appointed collector,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Peter Lawson
be and he is hereby appointed collector of the residue of the state taxes
the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, now remaining due
and unsettled
in Cæcil county, in the room of the said John Ward Veazey; and the
said Peter Lawson is hereby fully authorised and empowered to receive
and collect,
by execution or otherwise, all arrears and balances due the said John Ward
Veazey as collector aforesaid, in as full and ample manner as the said
Veazey could
or might have collected the same during the time of his being collector
of the
state taxes in the county aforesaid; and the said John Ward Veazey is hereby
divested of his said office of collector, and of all power and authority
to demand
r collect the said arrearages and balances; and if any citizen or citizens
of the
said county shall pay any of the said arrearages or balances to the said
John Ward
Veazey, or to his deputies, agents or assigns, after notice of this act,
all and
every such payment shall be void and of no effect, and the party or parties
making eh same shall nevertheless be liable to the lawful claim, demand
execution, of the said Peter Lawson, or his agents, for the said arrearages
balances, in the same manner as if such payment had not been made. |
Books, &c. to
be delivered
up, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said John Ward Veazey do and shall, upon
the request of the said Peter Lawson, deliver to the said Peter Lawson
all and
every the books, accounts, papers, memorandums and vouchers, of the said
Veazey, which in any manner relate to or concern the said taxes, or the
or collection thereof; and the several and respective deputies, agents
or receivers,
of the said John Ward Veazey, engaged or appointed by him, or acting as
such, |