Veazey to the custody of the said sheriff, to be by him committed to
the public
prison of the said county, there to remain without bail or mainprize
until he
shall make full and complete answers to the said interrogatories, and
render a just
and fair account of all the monies by him received in virtue of his
said office,
and pay over to the said Peter Lawson, for the use of this state, all
and every
sums of money which shall have been in his possession since the first
day of last
September; and if the said sheriff shall suffer the said John Ward
Veazey to go
at large until he shall have so answered, accounted and paid, the said
sheriff shall
be answerable for all the damages, costs and charges, which shall be
sustained by
this state, or any party by means thereof, and be also fined in the
sum of one
hundred pounds current money for such permission, or for his negligence
in the
escape of the said John Ward Veazey from his confinement. |
On application
on commissioners
to settle
accounts, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That on the application
the said Peter Lawson to the commissioners of the tax of Cæcil
county, with the
books, papers, accounts, or vouchers aforesaid, when the same shall
be produced
according to the directions of this act, it shall be lawful for the
said commissioners,
or a major part of them, first summoning the deputies, agents or
receivers, of the said John Ward Veazey, to settle and adjust their
accounts concerning the said taxes; and if it shall appear to the said
that the said deputies, agents or receivers, or any of them, have received
and not accounted for or paid any of the said taxes, arrearages or
the said commissioners shall thereupon limit some reasonable time,
within which
the several balances due by such deputies, agents or receivers, shall
be paid to
the said Peter Lawson, or his agents, and on default of payment the
said commissioners
shall award such process of execution against the respective defaulters
as shall enable the said Peter Lawson most speedily to collect and
receive the
same. |
Proviso. |
VI. Provided
nevertheless, That before the said Peter Lawson shall proceed
to execute the said office of collector, he shall enter into bond,
with such sufficient
securities as shall be approved of by the treasurer of the eastern
shore, in the sum
of five thousand pounds current money, to the state of Maryland, conditioned
the faithful performance of the trust reposed in him by virtue of this
act, and for
truly accounting with the said treasurer for the collection of the
said arrearages
and balances; and the said bond shall be recorded among the records
of Cæcil
county court, and be afterwards transmitted to the clerk of the general
court for
the eastern shore, to be there recorded and deposited for safe custody. |
Proviso. |
VII. And provided
also, That before the said Peter Lawson, or his agents,
shall proceed to collect, by execution, any of the said arrearages
or balances
claimed of any citizen or citizens of the said county, a full and fair
account of
such arrearages or balances shall be delivered to every such citizen
or citizens for
the space of ten days at the least before a demand for payment shall
be enforced by
the said collector, or his agents; and every such account shall be
verified by an
affidavit of the said Peter Lawson, when thereto required by any citizen
or citizens,
that it does not appear by the books, papers or other documents, of
Ward Veazey, that the said account, or any article thereof, hath been
paid or
satisfied, and that he doth not know of any payment thereof being made
to the
said John Ward Veazey, or to any other person for his use, and that
he hath not
himself received the same, or any part thereof, except so much as shall
be credited
on the said account; and if any citizen, of whom such arrearages or
shall be claimed, shall allege that the same have been paid to any
agent or deputy
of the said John Ward Veazey, it shall be lawful for the said Peter
Lawson, or
other person interested, to cause such agent or deputy to be summoned
before a
justice of the peace of such county, and to be examined, on oath, concerning
truth of such allegations; and the said Peter Lawson is, by virtue
of this act, allowed
until the first day of October next for the purpose of making and completing
his collection of the said arrearages and balances. |