orders on the said justices of the respective counties, payable to the
said collectors,
allowing to each collector the sum of one penny for every hogshead of tobacco
inspected in virtue of this act, and shipped from his respective district;
the said order to be drawn for such sum of money as the said sum of one
may amount to, calculating the said sum of one penny for every hogshead
in the said county, to be taken out of the sums before mentioned to be
paid at the time of delivery, the said orders to be drawn in favour of
said collectors,
after transmitting the manifests directed by this act to the governor and
council. |
LXIX. And be
it enacted, That the justices of Cæcil county shall not be
obliged to meet for the purpose of appointing warehouses, or nominating
in their county, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding,
unless it shall appear necessary to the said justices so to appoint and
nominate, for
the purpose of preventing frauds in the exportation of tobacco. |
Justices of
Cæcil not obliged
meet, &c. |
LXX. And,
whereas it is represented, that it is not necessary for the inspectors
in Harford county, and the several counties on the eastern shore, to
at their respective warehouses every day in the week between the first
of April
and twentieth of September, or between the twentieth of September and the
of November, for the purposes of this act, Be
it enacted, That the justices of
the said counties respectively, when met to appoint warehouses and nominate
inspectors, according to the directions of this act, shall agree and determine
the day or days in every week, between the times aforesaid, on which the
inspectors in the said counties shall be obliged to attend at their respective
warehouses for the purposes of this act, and such inspectors shall not
be obliged
to attend on any other day or days, than such as shall be agreed and determined
on by the said justices respectively, unless thereto required, any thing
in this act
to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Justices to ascertain
days for inspectors
to attend,
&c. |
LXXI. And be
it enacted, That the inspectors in the said counties of Frederick
and Washington, shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as
herein before directed, and shall receive the sum of two shillings and
for every hogshead of tobacco inspected at, and delivered from, their respective
warehouse, from the person to whom delivered. |
subject to same
rules, &c. |
LXXII. And be
it enacted, That nothing in this act is meant or intended so
as to prevent any person or persons, in the said counties of Frederick
and Washington,
from carrying their tobacco to any public warehouse for inspection, fixed
upon navigable water, within this state. |
Tobacco in
Fred. &c. may
be carried to
any warehouse,
&c. |
whereas a warehouse has been erected in the city of Annapolis
for the reception of tobacco, by individuals who have furnished the
same with
scales, weights, ropes and prizes, at their own expence, Be
it enacted, That if
the justices of Anne-Arundel county shall continue the said warehouse,
the owner
or owners of the said warehouse be and they are hereby empowered and
to levy and receive, from the owner or owners of tobacco, two shillings
and six-pence
per hogshead for all tobacco by him or them received, kept, and delivered
in good order, within one year, and three-pence for every month thereafter
they shall take care of the said tobacco after the expiration of the said
ear, until the same shall be delivered, in good order, agreeably to
the regulations
of this act. |
Owner of
may charge,
&c. |
LXXIV. This act to continue for and during
the term of three years, and
until the end of the next session of assembly which shall happen thereafter. |
Continuance. |