warehouses at the commencement of this act, which has been viewed and
by receivers who have taken the oath prescribed by the said act to
prevent the exportation
of unmerchantable tobacco, may be delivered for exportation, agreeably
to the directions of this act, without being subjected to be viewed and
by the inspectors appointed in virtue of this act, and the said receivers
are hereby
declared to be liable to the owners of such tobacco, as to the quality,
in the same
manner as inspectors are to be liable for the quality of tobacco viewed
and received
by them in virtue of this act, and the same proceedings shall be had in
cases of a review being had on any of the said tobacco as are directed
and prescribed
by this act; and when at any of the said warehouses other inspectors shall
be appointed in virtue of this act, then those who viewed and received
as receivers
such tobacco as may be remaining in the said warehouses, they are hereby
to make out manifests thereof, and they and the said receivers are hereby
required and authorised to proceed agreeably to the directions of this
act respecting
the manner of delivering tobacco remaining in the warehouses by old inspectors
to new ones appointed in their places. |
Certain tobacco
to be
burnt, &c. |
LXV. And be
it enacted, That of any tobacco offered for inspection at any of
the warehouses in this state shall, after picking, repacking, and finally
on the same, be in the judgment and opinion of the inspector or inspectors
such warehouse unmerchantable, such tobacco shall be consumed by fire
in the
presence and under the direction of such inspector or inspectors, and totally
and if any inspector shall refuse to destroy by fire such tobacco, or shall
wilfully or negligently permit such tobacco to be taken out of the inspection
to which he is appointed, every such inspector shall forfeit and pay for
every such
offence twenty pounds current money, and shall be discharged from his said
of inspector, and never after be qualified to hold the office of inspector
of tobacco
in any of the warehouses in this state. |
Justices of F.
county, &c. to
fix places for
&c. |
LXVI. And be
it enacted, That the justices, or any three or more of them,
of Frederick and Washington counties, may and they are hereby authorised,
and directed, upon application made to them by any person or persons,
to determine and fix upon the most proper place in their county to prepare
build and erect a warehouse for the reception and inspection of tobacco
as soon
thereafter as may be necessary, and to appoint an inspector or inspectors
for their
said warehouse, provided such person or persons making such application
prepare, or build and erect the same at his or their own expence, so that
the same
be sufficient to contain and secure all the tobacco offered for inspection
at said
warehouse, and furnishing scales, weights, prizes, and all other things
that shall
be necessary for that purpose; and that such person or persons preparing
or erecting
said warehouse, be and are hereby empowered and authorised to levy and
from the owner or owners of tobacco two shillings and six-pence per hogshead
for all tobacco by him or them received, kept and deliverer, in good order,
within one year, and three-pence for every month thereafter they shall
take care
of said tobacco after the expiration of said one year, until the same shall
delivered in good order, agreeably to the regulations of this act. |
Inspectors to
take an oath,
&c. |
LXVII. And be
it enacted, That the inspector or inspectors appointed at such
warehouse shall take an oath or affirmation, as the case may be, as in
other cases
is required by this act, and shall give bond, with security to be approved
by the
said justices, to be recorded in the county court, for the faithful performance
of his trust; and the person or persons preparing or building such warehouse
shall give bond, with security to be approved by the said justices, with
to perform his contract in preparing or building said warehouse, and keeping
the same in repair, and also providing scales, weights, prizes, and other
necessary for inspecting tobacco at said warehouse, the said bond to be
in the county court. |
Governor, &c.
to draw orders,
&c. |
LXVIII. Whereas certain duties are required
by the collectors of the United
States, for which they ought to receive a reasonable compensation, Be
it enacted,
That the governor and council are hereby authorised and empowered to
draw |