of the said new inspector or inspectors, during the time of his or their
as inspector or inspectors. |
LI. And,
that inspectors may be careful of the fire for which they may have
occasion to brand the hogsheads and destroy trash tobacco, Be
it enacted, That
if any warehouse within this state shall be hereafter wilfully burnt by
an inspector
or inspectors, or shall be burnt from the neglect or want of reasonable
care of any inspector or inspectors belonging to such warehouse, such inspector
inspectors, and his or their securities, shall be answerable to the owners
of all
tobacco burnt or damaged in such warehouse, to be recovered by action
on the
case, for so much tobacco, or money to the value of such tobacco, had and
to the use of the owner; provided a note, expressing the cause of action,
be lodged in the office at the time of issuing the writ. |
Penalty on
inspectors for
being burnt,
&c. |
LII. And be
it enacted, That every justice who shall be appointed, and attended
in order to agree as aforesaid, shall be allowed the sum of ten shillings
money for everyday he shall necessarily attend, in consequence of such
in the next county assessment; and every inspector who shall meet and
the justices aforesaid at the court-house, shall be allowed seven shillings
and six-pence current money per day, in the next county assessment, for
attendance. |
Allowance to
justices, &c. |
LIII. And be
it enacted, That if any person shall bring any hogshead or
hogsheads of tobacco to any of the warehouses appointed in virtue of this
act to
receive the same, and shall offer them, or any of them, to the inspector
or inspectors,
to be by him or them received and inspected, and the said inspector or
inspectors shall refuse to pass the same, or shall direct the said hogshead
or hogsheads
to lie, and the owner or owners of the said tobacco, or any other person
persons by his, her or their privity, consent or procurement, shall either
secretly or
openly carry the said tobacco, or any part thereof, away from the said
before the same hath been viewed and passed according to law, or if refused
to be
passed, shall attempt secretly or openly as aforesaid to carry the same,
or any part
thereof, away, the same owner or owners shall forfeit and pay the sum of
pounds current money for every hogshead of tobacco so carried away. |
Tobacco refused
to be
passed not to
be carried away,
&c. |
LIV. And be
it enacted, That the inspectors of tobacco at the several warehouses
within this state, shall, immediately on the delivery of every hogshead
tobacco at the warehouse whereof they are inspectors, weigh and give a
for such tobacco, if required by the proprietor, or person bringing the
same to
the said warehouse, expressing therein that the same is for uninspected
which receipt shall be given up to the inspectors, upon the said tobacco's
inspected, and before the inspectors shall be obliged to deliver notes
therefor. |
Inspectors to
give receipts
for uninspected
&c. |
LV. And be it
enacted, That if any person, other than the inspectors, shall
hereafter make any fire within any public warehouse, or without doors within
the space of fifty yards from such warehouse, such person, if free, shall
for every
such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds current money, and
if a
servant or slave, he or she shall, by order of any justice, or any inspector,
such county, receive on his or her bare back a number of lashes, not exceeding
thirty-nine, for every such offence. |
Penalty on
making fires
in warehouses,
&c. |
LVI. And be
it enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any person to erect
or build, or cause to be erected or built, any chimney, except brick
or stone,
within one hundred yards of any public warehouse in this state; and
where any
chimney, except brick or stone, is already built within the distance aforesaid
any public warehouse, the owner or proprietor of the said chimney shall
pull down
the same, or on refusal or neglect so to do in six months after the passing
this act, it shall and may be lawful for the sheriff of the county, and
he is hereby
required upon notice, under the penalty of fifty pounds current money,
cause such chimney to be pulled down and demolished; and the inspectors
of the
several warehouses shall, under the penalty of twenty pounds current money,
give |
chimnies not
to be built,
&c. |