and taking and lodging the bonds aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay
sum of twenty pounds current money. |
Sums contracted
for to
be allowed,
&c. |
XLVII. And be
it enacted, That any sum of money the said two justices
aforesaid may contract for as aforesaid, shall be allowed in the next county
after the performance of such contract, and shall be deducted out of the
money arising due for the rent of the warehouse, for which such money may
paid, until the county shall be fully reimbursed. |
Justices to
have full power,
&c. |
be it enacted, That the justices of each respective county shall
have full, subsisting, and continuing powers, at all times of the year,
to put in
execution so much of this act as relates to building, enlarging and repairing,
public warehouses, and to direct the making of wharfs, the building, enlarging
and repairing, any warehouses for the respective inspections appointed
in virtue
of this act, from time to time, as to them shall seem necessary; and
in case the
proprietor, guardian or attorney of the proprietor, of any warehouse, or
other person concerned therein, shall refuse or neglect to make such buildings,
additions, repairs, or other necessary conveniences as shall or may be
wanting at
any other times of the year, and such as the said justices shall direct,
it shall and
,ay be lawful for the said justices, and they are hereby required, to have
same done at the expence of the county; and the justices of such county
receive so much of the rent of the said warehouse of the inspectors, which
are hereby directed to with-hold from the proprietors, and obliged to pay
to the
justices, as will reimburse the county the charges of such buildings, additions
and repairs; and if upon application of the inspectors to the justices
for building, enlarging or repairing, any warehouses or wharfs, such justices
shall refuse or delay to do their duty therein, every justice so refusing
or neglecting
shall forfeit and pay five pounds current money. |
And to receive
rents in certain
cases, &c. |
XLIX. And be
it enacted, That in all cases under the late inspection law,
where the owners or proprietors of warehouses have given the same up to
repaired at the expence of the county, or where warehouses have been built
the expence of the county, and the rents already received have not reimbursed
the money advanced in building or repairing such warehouse, the justices
of the
inspectors under the present act, until the whole money advanced as
and interest thereon, shall be repaid. |
New inspectors
to make
out manifests,
&c. |
L. And be it
enacted, That when and as often as a new inspector or inspectors
shall be appointed in the place of the inspector or inspectors who served
at the same warehouse the preceding year, the said new inspector or inspectors
shall, within ten days after he or they shall be qualified to serve as
an inspector
or inspectors, of all the tobacco then in the same warehouse, (which
tobacco the old inspector or inspectors are hereby obliged and directed
to deliver
well nailed, lined, and fit for shipping, to the new inspector or inspectors,)
in the said manifests the marks, numbers, gross, tare, and net weights,
of such tobacco, and shall sign a receipt at the foot of each manifest
for all such
tobacco received from the old inspector or inspectors, and shall deliver
both manifests
to the old inspector or inspectors, the one of which manifests shall be
him or them lodged, within ten days thereafter, with the clerk of the
under the penalty of one hundred pounds current money on each inspector
neglecting to make such manifests, and the same penalty on the old inspector
or inspectors who shall neglect to lodge the same with the county
clerk within ten days after such list shall be delivered to him or them;
the new inspector or inspectors is and are hereby declared to be answerable
the owners of any notes mentioned and described in such manifests, so far
to produce the same hogshead or hogsheads of tobacco belonging to any
owner; and the said new inspector or inspectors shall be liable for, and
to, the old inspector or inspectors for all damage that shall happen
to such tobacco mentioned in the manifests aforesaid, through the negligence |