notice to the sheriff of their respective counties of any chimnies being
erected, or
already built, contrary to the provision in this act, as soon as may
be after such
chimney may be discovered. |
Special bail
may be awarded,
&c. |
LVII. And be
it enacted, That in all actions founded on this act against any
person or persons about to depart the state, it shall and may be lawful
for the
court in which such action shall be commenced, upon affidavit of the plaintiff,
or other evidence of the fact, and his cause of action given to the satisfaction
the court, to award special bail against any defendant in such action,
and for default
of such bail, to commit such defendant until he shall put in such
special bail. |
Justices may
purchase land,
&c. |
whereas many of the warehouses rented and used under former
laws for the inspection of tobacco, have been employed and used by the
thereof to other purposes, and they may be now unwilling to rent them for
use of the public: And whereas it may be necessary to erect new warehouses
some of the places to be appointed in virtue of this law; Be
it enacted, That
the justices aforesaid, in all such cases, shall and they are hereby
authorised and
required to agree for and purchase a quantity of land not exceeding two
the most convenient and proper for the erection of warehouses; and in case
owner or owners of such land shall refuse to make sale of so much of
the said
land as the said justices shall think necessary for the purposes by this
act directed,
at a reasonable price, or be under any disability of making sale thereof,
then the
said justices shall be, and are by virtue of this act, authorised and required
issue their warrant to the sheriff of such county, requiring and commanding
to summon and return a jury of good and lawful men of his county, not less
than twelve, inhabitants within such county, and not interested in, or
related to,
the owner of such land, to be and appear before the said justices on the
upon a certain day to be by them limited and appointed in such warrant;
jury, upon their oath, to be by any one of the said justices to the
said jurors
administered, shall inquire who is or are the owner or owners of the
said land,
what is the value thereof, and what damages such owner or owners will sustain;
and the sum of money the said jurors shall adjudge to the owner or owners
such land, shall be assessed by the justices of such county at the time
of the
making their next county assessment, and shall be collected by the
sheriff or collector
of such county in the same manner as the county assessment, and the
sheriff or collector shall tender or pay the same to the owner or owners
of such
land; and the said justices shall, immediately after such valuation by
the jury,
cause such land to be surveyed and laid out by the surveyor of such county,
good and sufficient boundaries, and a certificate thereof to be returned
and recorded
in the county records; and the justices of the said county, and their successors,
shall be and are hereby vested with an estate in fee-simple in the said
land, for the use of such county for ever; and the said justices, or any
two of
them, shall and they are hereby authorised and required to treat and agree
workmen to build and finish good, necessary, and convenient warehouses
on such
land, and to purchase all necessaries and conveniences to carry this act
execution, and the expences for the same shall be assessed and collected
on and
from the inhabitants of such county, in the same manner as the county assessment,
and shall be paid by the sheriff or collector to the order of the said
or any three of them. |
Act to be given
in charge,
&c. |
LIX. And be
it enacted, That the justices of the several county courts be
authorised and required, at their respective March, April or June courts,
on the second day thereof, to give this act in charge to the grand jury,
and to
direct them to make diligent inquiry into any breaches of this act, and
into the conduct of the inspectors in their county; and the said justices
are also authorised and required, at the same court, to inquire into the
of warehouses in their county, the quantity of tobacco inspected at each
within the year, the number of inspectors at each warehouse, and the
annual expence of, and receipts at, each warehouse, and after full inquiry
mature consideration of all these circumstances, and the situation
and convenience |