line between this state and Delaware and Pennsylvania, and at other
places, to prevent any violation of this act, and to seize any tobacco,
and beasts, liable to be forfeited and seized in virtue of this act. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the justices of the peace, or any three or more
of them, for the several counties of this state, except Frederick and
counties, be authorised and required to meet at the place where their
county courts are held, between the fifteen and twenty-fifth day of
next, and then and there determine at what place or places, on or near
water in their respective counties, except Frederick and Washington
warehouses shall be kept for the receipt and inspection of tobacco
agreeable to
this act, and the number of inspectors proper at each place, and they
shall enter
the place, and the number of inspectors at each place, in a book to
be provided
and kept for that purpose only, and the place or places, and warehouse
or warehouses,
for the receipt and inspection of tobacco in their county, during the
continuance of this act. |
Justices to
meet and fix
the places for
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said justices be authorised and required to
meet at the place where their respective county courts are held, between
fifteenth and twenty-fifth day of January next, and then proceed to
and recommend to the governor and the council three or five persons,
each of
them having assessed property in the state to the value of three hundred
current money, and well skilled in the curing and packing tobacco,
and the
order, quality, and condition thereof, and well qualified and capable
from his
integrity, reputation and diligence, to execute and discharge the office
and duty
of an inspector. |
And recommend
&c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That every justice, before he votes for any public
warehouse, or for any person as inspector, shall take an oath or affirmation,
the case may be, (which any one of the said justices may administer)
that he
will, without favour, affection, partiality or prejudice, appoint such
place and
public warehouse for the receipt and inspection of tobacco in his county,
as he
in his judgment and conscience believes most proper for that purpose;
and that
he will nominate and recommend such person to the inspector as he shall
in his
judgment and conscience believe well skilled in the curing and packing
and the order, condition and quality thereof, and well qualified and
from his integrity, reputation and diligence, to execute and discharge
the office
and duty of an inspector; and every justice on voting for any public
to be fixed or built at any particular place, or for any inspector
or inspectors,
for the inspecting, safe-keeping, and delivering of tobacco at the
said warehouse,
shall declare in writing, in a book to be kept by the clerk fo the
county for that
purpose only, his choice of such warehouse, and of the name or names
of the
inspector or inspectors for whom he hath voted, and shall subscribe
his name to
the said declaration in writing, and the said justices shall immediately
deliver a copy thereof, under their hands, to the sheriff of their
county, who
shall forthwith transmit the same to the governor, who, with the advice
of the
council, is hereby authorised and required to appoint and commission
two persons
out of the five, or one person out of the three, recommended as before
to be inspector or inspectors, as the case may require. |
Their oath,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That every justice who shall neglect (not being prevented
by sickness, or some other unavoidable accident) to meet according
to the
directions of this act to appoint public warehouses, or to nominate
and recommend
inspectors, as directed by this act, or being met, shall neglect to
warehouses, or to nominate and recommend inspectors, in pursuance of
this act, shall
forfeit and pay the sum of twenty pounds current money for every such
neglect. |
Penalty for
neglect, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That no member of the general assembly or the
council, clergyman, practising attorney or physician, sheriff, clerk of
the general
or any county court, or any commissioner of the tax, shall be nominated
or appointed
an inspector. |
No member of
assembly, &c.
to be appointed,
&c. |