XXV. |
VII. And be it
enacted, That all that part of the second section of the said
supplementary act which directs the sheriff to pay to the commissioners
appointed the monies to be collected by him for the purposes mentioned
in the
same, and the application thereof, and the whole of the third, fourth,
and fifth
sections of the said supplementary act, be and are hereby repealed. |
Passed December
21. |
An ACT to regulate the inspection of tobacco. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, in order property to regulate the inspection
of tobacco,
it is essentially necessary to prevent the exportation of such as is
unmerchantable; |
No tobacco to
be carried out
of the county
until inspected,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That after the first
Monday of February next, no person shall carry out of the county where
it was
made, either by land or water, any tobacco, either in casks or parcels
of any
kind, until it has been inspected at some public warehouse in the said
unless he shall choose to carry it to some one public warehouse at the
least remote
distance from him in the next adjacent county, or to any warehouse
in any adjoining
county to the county in which the tobacco is made, provided the said
tobacco shall not be water-borne; and any person acting contrary to this
shall, upon presentment in any of the county courts, and conviction thereof,
be fined the sum of twenty pounds for every offence, for the use of the
informer. |
Nor out of the
state unless in
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That after the above first Monday of February next,
it shall not be lawful to export, or carry out of this state, by land or
any tobacco, unless in hogsheads, which shall be inspected, passed, marked,
stamped and branded, at some public warehouse, agreeably to the directions
this act; and if any person shall export by water out of this state any
contrary to this act, or shall lade any tobacco on board any vessel for
out of this state, contrary to this act, such person shall forfeit and
pay the sum
of two hundred pounds current money for every such office, to be recovered
in any court of law in this state, the one half for the use of the state,
the other
half to the use of the informer. And every captain of a ship or other
taking in tobacco for exportation, shall receive none on board without
a manifest,
signed by the inspector or inspectors of the warehouse from whence the
same was
brought, all of which original manifests so signed by the inspectors, he
the said
captain, upon his clearing out, shall deposite with the collector of the
States of the port from which he fails, and he the said captain, or his
shall make oath, that no more tobacco, from any part of the state of Maryland,
has been received on board than what is expressed in the said manifests;
and if
any person shall carry any tobacco by land out of this state, contrary
to this act,
or shall lade or put in any waggon, cart or other carriage, any tobacco,
intent to carry the same out of this state contrary to this act, such person
forfeit fifty pounds current money for every hogshead of tobacco, if in
or one shilling like money, if not in hogsheads, for every pound of tobacco
carried out, or laden or put in any carriage, with intent to carry the
same by
land out of this state; and the tobacco so laden, together with the waggon,
or other carriage, and the horses, oxen or other beasts, employed in such
shall be forfeited, one half to the state, and the other half to the informer;
it shall be lawful for any person to seize any tobacco which he shall discover
laden or put in any waggon, cart or other carriage, with intent to be carried
of this state contrary to this act, and the carriage and horses, oxen or
beasts, employed in such service, and the property thereof shall be vested,
seizure, in the person making the same, who, if sued for such seizure,
may give
this act and the special matter in evidence; and if it shall appear that
seizure is made for breach of this law, the court before whom such
suit is tried,
shall direct the jury to find for the defendant, for whom they shall find
and thereupon the property of the thing seized shall be vested in the defendant.
And the governor and the council may, in their discretion, from time
to time, appoint fit and active persons at the Head of Elk, and near the
division |