How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That if any inspector shall refuse to act, or after acceptance
shall resign, die, remove out of the county, or be rendered incapable
act, the governor, with the advice of the council, is hereby authorised
and requested
to appoint and commission any other person mentioned in the last recommendation
from the said justices in the place of the person who shall refuse,
resign, die,
remove, or be incapable to act, for the residue of the year; and if
it should happen
that so many of the persons recommended should refuse, die, resign,
or be incapable to act, so as not to leave a choice out of such recommendation,
the governor, with the advice of the council, is hereby authorised
and required
to appoint and commission such person as they may think proper for
the residue
of the year. |
Governor, &c.
to furnish collectors
with a
list, &c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That the governor and council shall annually, on or
before the first day of March, furnish the collectors of the United
States in this
state with a list of the names of the several inspectors in this state,
and their
respective warehouses annexed. |
Inspectors to
transmit a list
of all tobacco,
&c. |
XI. And be it
further enacted, That the several inspectors shall annually, on
or before the tenth day of November, transmit to the governor and council
general list of all tobacco delivered by them respectively, containing
full and particular
accounts of the several manifests by them made out for tobacco shipped
from their respective warehouses the preceding year, the dates of each
and by whom shipped, and the governor and council are required and directed
obtain from the collectors of the several ports in this state annually,
the original
manifests of the inspectors, or attested copies thereof, and to examine
and compare
them with the copies of the manifests received from the inspectors, and
case it should be discovered from such examination and comparison, that
forgery, alteration or interlineation, has been practised or made use of
with respect
to any of the said manifests lodged with the collectors, the governor and
shall order the attorney-general to commence a prosecution on behalf
of the state
against the persons who shall appear to have so forged, altered or interlineated,
any such manifest or manifests. |
tobacco may
be exported,
&c. |
XII. And,
to encourage the manufacturing tobacco within this state, and the
export thereof, Be it enacted,
That any tobacco manufactured in this state, that
is, spun, cut or shag, for chewing or smoking, or made into snuff, may
be exported
out of this state, provided the person desiring to export any of the said
or kinds of manufactured tobacco shall be laden for exportation a manifest
thereof, in which shall be expressed the number and marks of the case or
and the weight of the tobacco, and the species thereof, with an oath or
of the owner, or of some credible person, endorsed on the manifest, to
truth thereof, and that the tobacco therein expressed was actually manufactured
within this state, provided no case or package of such tobacco shall contain
two hundred pounds weight. |
Inspectors to
take the oaths
to government,
&c. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That if any person appointed an inspector hath not
heretofore taken the oaths or affirmations, as the case may be, directed
by the
constitution, and subscribed a declaration of his belief in the christian
he shall do the same before he acts as inspector, under the penalty of
one hundred
pounds current money; which oaths or affirmations any justice of the peace
administer. |
Their oath of
office. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That every inspector, before he acts as such, shall,
under the penalty of one hundred pounds current money, take the following
or affirmation of office, as the case may be, to wit: " I,
A. B. do swear, or solemnly,
sincerely and truly declare and affirm, that I will diligently and carefully
uncase, break, or cause the same to be done in my presence, and examine,
all tobacco brought to the warehouse where I am appointed to be inspector,
all other tobacco I shall be called upon to view and inspect at the said
or at any other public warehouse, and that I will not receive any tobacco
that is |