the value of one hundred pounds current money, to be common-council
of the
said town for so long time as they shall well behave themselves, and the
mayor, recorder and alderman, or any three or more of them, shall be judges
the said election, and the ten persons who shall have the greatest
number of legal
votes, upon the final casting up of the polls, shall be declared duly elected. |
III. And,
to perpetuate the succession of the said mayor, recorder, aldermen
and common-council, in all time to come, Be
it enacted, That the said mayor,
recorder, aldermen and common-council, shall assemble at some convenient
place in the said town upon the first Monday of January, seventeen hundred
ninety-one, and on the same day for ever thereafter, and shall elect, by
the majority
of votes of such of them as shall be then present, one other of the aldermen
of the said town for the time being, to be mayor of the said town for the
year; and upon the death or removal of the said mayor, or of the recorder
or any
aldermen, of the said town, and within one year after any such event, such
of the
said persons as shall be alive, or the major part of them, shall assemble
at some
convenient place in the said town, and elect, by a majority of votes, some
person or persons to be mayor, recorder, alderman or aldermen, of the said
in the place of such person or persons so deceased or removed respectively,
as the
case shall require, so as the said mayor, so to be elected, be at the
time of such
election actually one of the aldermen of the said town, and so as the said
so to be elected, be a person learned in the law, and so as the said alderman
aldermen, so to be elected, be actually, at the time of such election,
of the common-council
of the said town; and in case of the election of any of the common-council
to be an alderman, the vacancy shall be filled up by an election at such
time (not less than five days thereafter) as the said mayor, recorder and
or any three or more of them, shall appoint, by the residents of the said
town qualified as herein before directed and required in the first
election of the
common-council, then for the said town. |
Mayor to be
elected every
year, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the mayor, recorder and aldermen, hereby appointed,
or hereafter to be elected, shall be justices of the peace within the said
town and the precincts thereof, having first taken the oath appointed by
law to
be taken by justices of the peace. |
Mayor, &c. to
be justices of
the peace, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, hereby
appointed, or hereafter to be elected, or any three or more of them, shall
within the said town, or the precincts thereof, full power to elect a sheriff,
to appoint constables and other necessary officers, for the said town. |
To elect a
sheriff, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the said mayor, recorder, aldermen and common-council,
of the said town, for the time being, shall have full power and authority
to make such by-laws for the regulation and good government of the said
and precincts, and the inhabitants thereof, and to restrain all disorders
disturbances, to prevent all nuisances, inconveniencies and annoyances,
the said town and its precincts, and other matters, exigences and things,
within the said town and precincts, as to them, or a major part of them,
seem meet and consonant to reason, and not contrary to the constitution
and laws
of this state; and the said by-laws shall be observed, kept and performed,
by all
inhabitants of the said town and its precincts, and all persons trading
under such reasonable penalties, fines and forfeitures, as shall be imposed
by the
said by-laws, not exceeding seven pounds ten shillings current money,
or twenty
dollars; the said penalties, fines or forfeitures, to be levied by distress
and sale
of the goods, or execution of the person so offending, and applied to the
use of
the said town. |
Make by-laws,
&c. |
VII. And,
to defray the expences of the said corporation, Be
it enacted, That
it shall be lawful for the said mayor, recorder, aldermen and common-council,
of the said town, by by-law made for that purpose, to impose any sum, not
two shillings and six-pence current money in any one year, on every
hundred pound of property within the said town. |
And lay a tax,
&c. |