before justices of oyer and terminer, sitting in any county on either
shore, and
judgment shall thereon be given, and execution had, in the same manner
if the stroke and death had both happened on either shore. |
Party giving a
mortal stroke
on any river,
&c. where to
be indicted,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That from and after the end of this session of assembly,
if a mortal stroke shall be given on the waters of any river or creek
any counties of this state, and the party so stricken shall, within
a twelvemonth
and a day, die thereof, either on the waters of any such river or creek,
or on land in this state, or if a mortal stroke shall be given on land
in this state,
and the party so stricken shall, within a twelvemonth and a day, die
thereof on
the waters of any river or creek dividing any counties of this state,
in such cases
the party giving such mortal stroke, and all aiders, abetters, comforters,
accessaries thereof and thereto, shall and may be indicted, arraigned
and tried,
either in the general court of the shore where the stroke shall be
given, or of the
shore where the death shall happen, or before justices of oyer and
terminer sitting
in either of the counties divided by the waters of the rivers or creeks
aforesaid, and judgment shall be given, and execution had, in the same
as if the stroke and death had both happened on shore, and in the body
of any
county of this state. |
Aliens, &c.
how to be
tried, &c. |
V. And,
whereas no special provision is made by the laws of this state for the
trial of aliens and foreigners for offences committed against the laws
of this state,
and doubts may hereafter arise whether aliens and foreigners may not
be entitled
to a trial per medietatem linguæ, Be
it enacted, That from and after the end of
this session of assembly, all aliens and foreigners who may be guilty of,
or indicted
for, any offence committed within this state, shall, for every such offence,
be tried by a jury of the country, in the same manner as natives and citizens
this state are and shall be tried for similar offences, and there shall
be no challenge
either to the array or polls of the jury returned for the trial of
such alien
or foreigner, for want of foreigners on the said pannel or jury thereon
any law, statute or usage, to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. |
Passed December
25. |
An ACT to incorporate George-town,
in Montgomery county. |
made an incorporate
town, &c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That George-town,
in Montgomery county, shall be and hereby is erected, constituted and
made, an incorporate town, consisting of a mayor, recorder, six aldermen,
and ten other persons to be common-council-men, of the said town, which
mayor, recorder, aldermen and common-council-men, shall be a body incorporate
and one community for ever, in right, and by the name of the mayor, recorder,
aldermen and common-council, of the said town, and shall be able and capable
to sue and be sued at law, and to act and execute, do and perform, as a
body incorporate,
which shall have succession for ever, and to that end to have a common
seal, and the same to change and alter at their pleasure; and Robert Peter,
Esquire, one of the inhabitants of the said town, shall for the present
be and
hereby is appointed mayor of the said town for the next year, to commence
the first day of January next; and John Mackall Gantt, Esquire, shall be
hereby is appointed recorder of the said town; and Brooke Beall, Bernard
Thomas Beall, of George, James Maccubbin Lingan, John Threlkell and John
Peter, Esquires, inhabitants of the said town, shall be and hereby are
aldermen of the said town, so long as they shall well behave themselves
therein. |
Ten common-council-men
to be elected,
&c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That all freemen above twenty-one years of age, and
having visible property within the state above the value of thirty
pounds current
money, and having resided in the said town one whole year next before the
day of January next, shall have a right to assemble at such place in the
said town
as the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, or any three or more of them,
appoint, and when assembled they shall proceed to elect viva voce ten
persons, residents
of the said town one whole year next before the said first day of January
above twenty-one years of age, and having visible property within the state
above |