To cause a
survey to be
made, &c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That the mayor, recorder and aldermen, of the said
town, or any five or more of them, be authorised from time to time, as
often as
they think it necessary, to cause a correct survey of the said town, and
the additions
thereto, to be made, and to establish and fix permanent boundaries and
stones at
such places as they think necessary, with proper marks and devices thereof,
to ascertain
and perpetuate the true lines of the said town and the additions thereto;
the said mayor, recorder and aldermen, or any five or more of them,
be authorised
from time to time to survey and ascertain the streets, lanes and alleys,
of the
said town and the additions thereto, and to declare the same, and to adjudge
nuisances any encroachment thereon; and the said mayor, recorder and aldermen,
or any five or more of them, are also authorised and required, on the application
and at the expence of the proprietors, or the guardians of infant proprietors,
of any lot in the said town or the additions thereto, to survey, alter,
amend or lay out anew, any of the streets, lanes and alleys, running through
ground of such proprietors, so as to make the streets, lanes and alleys,
every part of the said town and the additions thereto, to correspond and
with each other as near as may be; provided that any street, lane or
alley, when altered, amended or made anew, shall not run through the ground
of any person without his consent. |
To hold a
court, &c. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the mayor, recorder and aldermen, or any three
or more of them, shall hold a court in the said town, to be called The
Court, and in court they may make proper officers, and settle reasonable
not exceeding what are or shall be allowed by law in the county courts
of this
state. |
To have jurisdiction
as to
debts, &c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That the mayor, recorder, or any aldermen of the
said town, shall have the same jurisdiction as to debts as any justice
of the peace
of any county of this state now hath, or shall hereafter have by law, and
appeal shall lie in the same manner, from their judgment to the mayor's
as from the decision of any county justice to the county court, and such
shall be regulated, prosecuted and determined, by the said mayor's court,
in the
same mode as is or shall be directed by law in the case of an appeal from
determination of a single justice to the county court. |
Court to have
concurrent jurisdiction,
&c. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That the said mayor's court shall have concurrent
jurisdiction with the county court of Montgomery county in all criminal
except such as affect life or member, if such crimes or offences be committed
within the said town, or the precincts thereof, by any inhabitant thereof,
or by
any person not a citizen of this state; and any fine, penalty or forfeiture,
in the said mayor's court, shall be paid and applied in the same manner
as if recovered in the county court of the said county, and the mayor,
and any alderman, shall have jurisdiction, touching and concerning any
crime, to arrest and bind over to answer therefor in the said mayor's court. |
Mayor, &c.
to appoint an
inspector of
flour, &c. |
XII. And be
it enacted, That the said mayor, recorder, aldermen and common-council,
or the major part of them, shall have power to appoint an inspector
or inspectors of flour for the said town, and to fix his or their allowance;
provided that the same shall not exceed three-pence current money per
barrel. |
Precincts ascertained,
&c. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That all that part of Montgomery county lying
within one quarter of a mile of the limits of the said town, and the additions
thereto, and all that space of water of Patowmack river adjoining the said
on all the shores thereof, and used as the harbour, as far unto the
said river as
the middle thereof, shall be considered as the precincts of the said town,
within the jurisdiction of the mayor, recorder, aldermen, and common-council
of the said town, and subject to their by-laws and regulations, and within
jurisdiction of the mayor, recorder, or any alderman of the said town,
as before
mentioned and limited by this act. |