land when purchased or vested in the justices aforesaid, by valuation
payment, or tender of the value as aforesaid, shall be bounded with stones
posts at each corner thereof, and the plot of the same, with certificate
explanation, shall be recorded among the records of the said county, and
said land shall be held by the said justices and their successors, for
ever, as
public land for the purposes aforesaid, and other public purposes for the
use of the said county, and shall for ever hereafter be called Perrysburgh. |
Money unexpended
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That if, after the said court-house and prison shall
have been built and erected as aforesaid, on the lot of ground aforesaid,
any of the money by this act directed to be recovered, levied and collected
as aforesaid shall remain in the hands of the said commissioners, unexpended
in the erection of the said buildings, the same shall be applied towards
defraying the expences of the said county. |
Part of an act
repealed, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That so much of the said act for the division of
Dorchester and Queen-Anne's counties, and for erecting a new one by the
name of Caroline, as directs the building a court-house and gaol at a place
called Pig-point, or Edenton, and appropriates ground for the erection
the said buildings, at the place called Pig-point, or Edenton, be, and
hereby is repealed. |
Passed Mar. 6. |
An ACT to erect a town in Talbot county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Talbot county have,
their humble petition to this general assembly, set forth,
that the village at the court-house of the said county hath
considerably increased in number of houses and inhabitants, that chief
the trade of the county is carried on there, and have prayed that the said
village may be erected into a town, according to the metes and bounds of
the land adjoining thereto, as laid down on a plot annexed to the said
petition: And whereas the prayer of the said petitioners appears
to this
general assembly to be reasonable; |
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Messieurs
Jeremiah Banning, Hugh Sherwood, of Huntington, John Stevens,
Greenbury Goldsborough, and Alexander McCallum, shall be, and are
hereby appointed commissioners, and they, or the major part of them, are
hereby authorised and required, as well to buy and purchase all the land
contained within the following lines, or such part thereof as they, or
majority of them, shall judge necessary, and the said proprietors shall
willing to sell them, viz. Beginning at a stone fixed in the ground
at the
end of a line drawn north fifteen perches and three quarters of a perch
from the third boundary of the lot of major Joseph Bruff, deceased,
he lately lived, and from thence running east thirty-nine perches,
thence north thirty-seven degrees thirty minutes east sixty-five perches,
thence south seventy-eight degrees forty-five minutes east forty-six and
half perches, thence south one degree fifteen minutes east one hundred
seventy-three perches, thence south forty-three degrees forty-five
west sixty-six perches, thence west thirty-two perches, thence north seven
degrees forty-five minutes west sixty-six perches, thence west thirty
thence north three degrees thirty minutes west seventy perches, thence
west eighteen and one quarter perches, thence with a streight line to the
beginning, and the same to lay out (excepting such part thereof as is already
laid out in lots in the said village, and the public ground therein, according
to their metes, bounds and limits, as now held and possessed by the
inhabitants thereof or others) in the best and most convenient manner into
lots, not exceeding one half acre each. |