the first of June next, and that the amount of certificates issued do
not exceed
the amount of the said valuation.
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that
Jacob Strap enlisted and
served faithfully three years in the first Maryland regiment, and that
after his
discharge from the army he was captured at sea by the enemy during
the late
war, and carried to Portsmouth, in Great-Britain, and there imprisoned
until the
restoration of peace; that the said Jacob Strap, being destitute of
money, could
not return to this state until the month of December, seventeen hundred
eighty-seven, when the time for granting certificates to soldiers for
the depreciation
of their pay had elapsed, and he was thereby prevented from obtaining
certificate from the auditor-general for the balance due to him:
And whereas it
appears just and reasonable, that the said Jacob Strap should receive
a certificate
for the depreciation of the pay due to him whilst in the service; RESOLVED,
That the auditor-general be and he is hereby empowered and authorised
to settle
and adjust the account of the said Jacob Strap, and grant him a certificate
the balance due to him.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general be empowered to
issue to Thomas
Yates a certificate for the depreciation of his pay, in the same manner
as if application
had been made by the sid Yates within the time limited by law, and
the orphans court of Anne-Arundel county are hereby authorised to make
like provision for the said Yates as is directed by law to be made
to invalid soldiers.
WHEREAS a certain Thomas Bond Onion, of Baltimore
county, hath become
liable for a debt due the state from Stephen Onion, by superseding
an execution
issued against the said Stephen Onion, which debt might have been discharged
final settlement certificates, upon the terms specified in a resolution
of April session,
seventeen hundred and eighty-seven: And whereas final settlements
been lodged in the treasury to the full amount of the debt up to May,
therefore RESOLVED, That the treasurer be directed to receive from
the said Thomas
Bond Onion the final settlement certificates as aforesaid lodged in
his hands,
towards payment of the debt due the state from Stephen Onion, according
to the
rate specified in a resolution of April session, 1787, calculating
interest on the said
debt up to the day that the said debt shall be discharged, the said
Thomas Bond
Onion paying all costs of suit which have accrued on the suit and execution
against Stephen Onion.
RESOLVED, That the naval officer of the fourth naval
district be directed
to allow to Benjamin Laming the drawback on five thousand four hundred
eighty-eight gallons of rum exported in the schooner William, Richard
master, the twelfth of October, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven.
RESOLVED, That the naval officer of the fourth district
be directed to allow
to John Sterrett and Co. the drawback on goods exported by them in
schooner Friendship, the sloop Betsey, and brigantine Antelope, amounting
one hundred and seventy-six pounds four shillings and eight-pence,
and to deduct
the said amount from any bonds of John Sterrett and Co. or Samuel Sterrett,
which remains unpaid in the said naval office for goods imported into
this state,
the certificates of the landing and entry of the imported goods in
and Charles-town being previously lodged with the said naval officer.
RESOLVED, That no application whatever, from any
county or counties,
relating to their particular policy or government, or from one or more
although the state be concerned, shall be taken in consideration during
any future
session, unless the same be preferred within ten days after the first
meeting of the
general assembly; provided always, that this resolution shall not extend
to any
case where the subject matter, or any material circumstance thereof,
shall arise or
happen during the session in which the application is made, and after
the time
limited as aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That no bill or resolution grounded on
any application included
within the above resolution shall be taken into consideration by either
the senate