RESOLUTIONS assented to
or house of delegates, unless the same shall be transmitted from the
house in
which it originates within fourteen days after the expiration of the
ten days given
for making applications as aforesaid.
RESOLVED, That the naval officers of this state discount
with, or refund to,
the merchants in their respective districts, the amount of the duties on
salt lost on
the 24th day of July last past, by the high tide at that time, which
may have been
bonded for or paid, provided the person or persons applying for such discount
refunding, shall produce a certificate from the governor and council, ascertaining,
upon evidence to be given them, the quantity of salt lost by such person
or persons
on the said 24th day of July last.
RESOLVED, That the debtors to the state of Maryland,
whose bonds, by
the third section of the act, entitled, An act to establish funds to secure
the payment
of the state debt within six years, and for the punctual payment of the
interest thereon, passed at November session, one thousand seven hundred
eighty-four, were appropriated as an additional fund for the redemption
of the
emissions of June, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, may pay and discharge
their respective debts and interests in depreciation or other liquidated
state certificates,
provided that the same be paid into the treasury on or before the first
of August next.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be authorised,
on the part of this
state, to wave the objection of the said Philip Barton Key's being a minor
at the
time the said debt was contracted, and that the treasurer be authorised
and required
to discount and allow the claim of the said John Ross Key against Philip
Barton Key, after the same shall be passed by the auditor-general, out
of the
debts due by the said John Ross Key to the state of Maryland, for the property
of the said John Ross Key purchased of the intendant.
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general liquidate the
depreciation on the pay
of Patrick Kelly, a soldier of the German regiment from this state, in
the same
manner as to other soldiers, and grant him a certificate therefor.
RESOLVED, That all executions issued against, or
served on, any of the
debtors of the state, on passed for state on continental state money, or
where the original contract was in state of continental state money,
be countermanded,
and that no executions issue against such debtors before the first
day of
September next; and that all the said debtors for state and continental
state money,
be allowed to discharge the whole or any part of their debts respectively
in final settlements, at the rate stipulated by the resolution of April
session, 1787,
provided they pay all legal costs that have accrued on before the first
day of
May next; and in case of default by any of the said debtors, executions
shall issue
for the balance due.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
be ordered to pay to
Samuel Sterrett, attorney for Messieurs Vanstaphorst, the sum of fifteen
pounds of the money collected for the use of the United States, if there
be that sum remaining in the treasury after the payment of the journal
of accounts,
towards payment of the interest of the debt due to the said Messieurs
RESOLVED, That the funds appropriated to St. John's
college for the purpose
of paying professors, and other officers, be and are hereby suspended until
said college shall be finished, and the professors and officers thereof
be appointed
and actually engaged in the exercise of their several duties, and that
the same be
applied to the payment of the interest of the debt due to Messieurs
WHEREAS the governor and council have drawn many
orders on the treasurer
of the western shore, payable to the citizens of this state, which are
satisfied: And whereas the general assembly have solemnly and repeatedly
the faith of the state, in case the interest received from its debtors
should be inadequate