RESOLUTIONS assented to
of Bennett Hamilton, one of the securities to Edward Green, late deputy-collector,
antecedent to the time in which a settlement by law ought to have
taken place between Charles Mankin as collector and the said commissioners,
and to make such allowance to the said Hamilton in his account with his
and the treasurer of the western shore is hereby empowered to pass
allowance may be made by the said commissioners for insolvencies to the
credit of the said Charles Mankin.
UPON full consideration of the petition of Thomas
Wirt, of Cæcil county,
and other papers referred to in said petition, with the report of the committee
upon the same, RESOLVED, That one moiety of the forfeiture of the sloop
Nancy, condemned in the court of admiralty, be and is hereby remitted to
the said Wirt, and that he be and is hereby released from the payment
of said
forfeiture belonging to this state, upon his paying the legal costs, if
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that nineteen hundred
and fifty-eight pounds of tobacco were loaned the state by Thomas Hanson
Marshall in the year seventeen hundred and eighty, for which he obtained
the agent a receipt, which appears to have been lost or mislaid before
any application
was made to the treasurer for a certificate for the said tobacco; RESOLVED,
That the treasurer of the western shore be authorised and directed, on
by the said Marshall, to issue a certificate for the amount of the
tobacco so loaned,
with interest due thereon, rating the said tobacco at such price per
centum as to
him may appear reasonable and just.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
be directed to issue one
or more certificates to the amount of two thousand pounds current money,
interest from the seventh day of October, one thousand seven hundred and
eighty-three, to Corbin Washington and Bushrod Washington, executors of
testament and last will of John Augustine Washington, deceased, on account
of his share of the sales of the property of the late Principio company;
certificates shall be receivable as other state certificates are receivable
under the
act, entitled, An act to establish funds to secure the payment of the state
within six years, and for the punctual payment of the annual interest
and shall be charged to the said Corbin and Bushrod Washington, executors
John Augustine Washington, as a payment on the said seventh day of October,
seventeen hundred and eighty-three, on account of the share of the said
Augustine Washington of the sales of the property of the Principio company.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly
by the auditor-general,
that many claims have been exhibited against the estates of those that
have been confiscated and attainted of treason, several of which do not
to be well founded, and still remain with the auditor for further investigation,
which he is prevented from closing the same; RESOLVED, That the auditor-general
be and he is hereby directed and required to pass finally, before the first
day of August next, on all accounts, debts, claims and demands, against
convicted and attainted of treason, or whose property has been confiscated
seized, that have been duly laid before him, and have not already been
on, or may be exhibited to him before the first day of June next.
ON the second reading of the report of Thomas Smyth,
of Kent county,
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are hereby empowered
and requested to appoint three fit and proper persons to make a valuation
oath of all the property of Sir Robert Eden, which has been retained by
state for the use of the governor for the time being, according to the
worth thereof at the time of the original retainer, and such valuation,
under their
hands, to return to and file with the treasure of the western shore; and
upon such valuation and return being made as aforesaid, the treasurer shall
certificates as in other like cases to persons whose claims against the
estate of the
said Robert Eden have been, or shall be before the first of August next,
allowed and certified by the auditor; provided, that such claims be exhibited