X. |
shall, as soon as conveniently may be after such examination and declaration,
transmit a certificate of the election of the representatives, under
the seal of the
state, to the secretary of the United States in congress assembled,
to be by him
delivered to the house of representatives in the congress of the United
when they shall be assembled at the time and place by the present congress
the United States directed and fixed on. |
Elections to
be free. |
IX. And be it
enacted, That the said elections shall be free, and made viva
voce. |
Electors to assemble,
&c. |
X. And be it
enacted, That the electors so as aforesaid to be chosen, shall assemble
on the first Wednesday in February next, at the city of Annapolis,
shall perform the duties enjoined upon them by the said constitution
for the United
States, agreeably to the directions thereof. |
Their allowance. |
XI. And be it
enacted, That the said electors shall receive the same per diem
allowance, and itinerant charges, as are allowed to members of the
general assembly. |
Governor and
council to determine
lot, &c. |
XII. And,
whereas it may happen, that in the election of representatives two
or more persons, residing in the same district, may have an equal number
of votes,
and that in the election of electors residents of the western shore,
six or more persons
residing on that shore may have an equal number of votes, and that
in the
election of electors residing on the eastern shore, four or more persons
residing on
that shore may have an equal number of votes, Be
it enacted, That in each of
the said cases the governor and council shall determine by lot, from
the candidates
residing in the same district, the representative for that district,
and in the same
manner from the candidates for electors residing on the western and
eastern shores
respectively, having an equal number of votes as aforesaid, the electors
for the
said shore. |
How vacancies
are to be
filled. |
XIII. And be
it enacted, That if a vacancy or vacancies shall happen in the
representation of this state in the house of representatives in the
congress of the
United States, by death, resignation, disqualification, or otherwise,
the governor
and council shall issue writs of election to the several counties in
this state, the
city of Annapolis and Baltimore-town, to full such vacancy or vacancies
by an
election of a representative or representatives residing in the district
or districts
where such vacancy or vacancies shall happen, in the manner herein
prescribed. |
Future elections
to be held
in October,
&c. |
XIV. And be
it enacted, That after the elections herein before mentioned
shall have been made, the election of representatives to congress shall
be held in
manner aforesaid on the first Monday of October, in the year one thousand
hundred and ninety, an don the same day in every second year for ever
and returns thereof shall be made as aforesaid; and the governor and
council for
the time being shall, as soon as conveniently may be, transmit a certificate
of the
election of the said representatives, under the seal of the state,
to the president of
the United States. |
Passed December
22. |
An ACT for the relief of
the creditors of Anthony Stewart. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it appears from the report of the auditor-general,
there is a deficiency of two thousand six hundred and twenty-eight
pounds seventeen shillings and six-pence between the property of Anthony
Stewart confiscated, and claims of creditors against the said property,
that the state cannot be benefited by taking upon itself to make dividends
claimants, particularly as the accounts are in many instances disputable,
and suggesting
the propriety of appointing trustees to settle the said estate; |
Estate to be
delivered, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the estate of
Anthony Stewart shall be delivered into the hands of trustees to be appointed
by |