the chancellor, which said trustees shall give bond and security, to
be approved by
him, for the faithful execution of such trust; and the said trustees shall
have full
power to call on any person or persons having the books and papers
of the said
Anthony Stewart, and the trustees, on receipt of the books and papers
shall proceed to collect the debts in the most speedy manner, and make
in the same manner that this state would have made its dividends under
its law. |
XI. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the treasurer of the western shore shall deliver
up to the trustees aforesaid the bonds lodged in the treasury passed
for the property
of the said Anthony Stewart; and where any bond, or any part thereof, hath
been paid into the treasury, the treasurer shall issue certificates in
the same manner
as payment would have been made to individual creditors, provided the trustees
so to be appointed pay to the treasurer of the western shore, before the
treasurer deliver up the bonds in his possession, all expences which have
to the state by commission, or otherwise in the sale of the said property. |
Treasurer to
deliver bonds,
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of
Patrick Edwards, of Kent county. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that
Patrick Edwards,
late of Killala, of the kingdom of Ireland, came to this state at a
considerable risk and expence, with a view to take possession of certain
real property devised to him by the last will and testament of Edward Bourke,
late of Kent county, deceased, bearing date the seventh day of March, in
year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven; and also
of certain
other real property in the county aforesaid, which descended to him from
mother, Bridget Edwards, to whom said property was devised by the last
and testament of Anne Bourke, late of the city of Philadelphia, deceased,
date the eighteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and sixty-two; and it appearing also, that the said Edwards
did, as
soon as possible after his arrival, take the oath of fidelity to this state,
in open
court in Kent county, as is directed by law, to acquire the right and
of a citizen of this state; and this general assembly being willing to
the right of the state in the said property, and to carry into effect the
of the testators above mentioned. |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said Patrick
Edwards shall be and is hereby vested with all the right and title
he might claim
to the property aforesaid under the last will and testament of Edmund
Bourke, and
also all the right and title in said property which came to him by descent
from his mother, Bridget Edwards, any right in this state, or any law,
to the
contrary notwithstanding, saving to all person and persons, and bodies
politic and
corporate, not named herein, their several and respective rights acquired
to the passage of this act. |
Right vested
in P. Edwards,
&c. |
An ACT for altering the time of holding the courts in Anne-Arundel
county. |
Passed December
22. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the holding
of the courts in Anne-Arundel county at the times directed by law
is found to be inconvenient; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That from henceforth
the courts for said county shall be held on the first Monday in the months
March, August and November, and the courts so held shall remain and be
to the adjournment of the magistrates of the said county in the same manner
as if no change had been made in the time of holding the said court. |
When courts
are to be held,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That all process, pleas and proceedings, civil and
criminal, issued or depending in the courts aforesaid, shall be continued,
and |
Process, &c.
&c. |