IV. And be it
enacted, That every judge of an election to be held in pursuance
of this act, before he proceeds to take or receive any vote, shall take
the following
oath, or affirmation, to wit: " I, A. B. do swear, or affirm, that
I will
permit all persons to vote who shall offer to poll at the election now
to be held
in _____ county, the city of Annapolis or Baltimore-town, who, in my judgement,
shall, according to the directions contained in the constitution of the
States of America, ratified in convention of the delegates of Maryland
on the
twenty-eighth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight,
entitled to poll at the same election, and that I will not admit any person
to poll
at the same election if such person shall not, in my judgment, be qualified
to vote
as aforesaid, and that I will, in all things, execute the office of judge
of the said
election, according to the best of my knowledge, without favour or partiality.
So help me God." |
Oath of judge. |
V. And be it
enacted, That every clerk, before he enter any vote on the polls,
shall take the following oath, or affirmation, to wit: " I, A. B.
do swear, or
affirm, that I will well and faithfully, without favour, affection or partiality,
the office of clerk of the election to be held in _____ county, the city
Annapolis or Baltimore-town, according to the best of my knowledge.
So help
me God." |
Oath of clerk. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That every person coming to vote for electors of president
and vice-president, agreeably to the directions of this act, shall have
a right
to vote for eight persons, five of whom shall be residents of the western
and three of the eastern shore, and the five persons residents of the western
having the greatest number of votes of all the candidates on that shore,
and the
three persons residents of the eastern shore, having the greatest number
of votes
of all the candidates on that shore, shall be declared to be duly elected. |
Persons to vote
for eight electors,
&c. |
VII. And be
it enacted, That every person coming to vote for representatives
for this state in the congress of the United States, shall have a right
to vote for
six persons, one whereof shall be a resident of each of the said districts,
and the
candidate in each district having the greatest number of votes of all the
residing in that district, shall be declared to be duly elected for that
district. |
And six representatives,
&c. |
VIII. And be
it enacted, That after the polls in the several counties, and the
city of Annapolis and Baltimore-town, shall be closed, and the votes cast
up by
the judges in the presence of the justices attending for the preservation
of the
peace, the names of the several persons voted for in the several counties,
and city
of Annapolis and Baltimore-town, enumerated and set down, which number
shall be
the number of votes for each candidate in the several counties, the city
of Annapolis
and Baltimore-town, enumerated and set down, which number shall be
written in words at length, and not in figures, and the polls and other
relating to the elections shall be sealed up and deposited with the clerks
of the
several county courts, and on such names and numbers being so set down
written, the judges of the several elections in the city of Annapolis,
and each and every county of the state, when assembled at the usual place
for holding elections, shall respectively, within the space of three days
after the
said elections, sign and seal the papers or instruments on which the same
are so
written, and shall make out, sign, seal and execute, duplicate returns
one whereof shall be delivered to the clerk of the county to be kept safely,
the other copy thereof shall be sealed up and delivered, or safely transmitted,
the sheriff of the proper county within ten days after each respective
under the penalty of fifty pounds current money, to the governor and
council, for
their inspection and examination; and the governor and council, after having
received the returns, papers, and instruments aforesaid, shall enumerate
and ascertain
the numbers of votes for each and every candidate, and person so as aforesaid
chosen as representatives or electors respectively, and shall thereupon
by proclamation, signed by the governor, and without delay dispersed through
the state, the names of the six persons duly elected as representatives,
and the
names of the eight persons duly elected as electors; and the governor and
council |
Names of the
persons voted
for to be written
on parchment,
&c. |