X. |
the several states; that the electors in each state shall have the requisite
of electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature; that
the enumeration therein pointed out of the citizens of the United States
shall be
made, the number of representatives for this state shall be six; and
that the times,
places and manner, of holding elections for senators and representatives,
shall be
prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof: And whereas
it is further declared,
that for the purpose of choosing a president and vice-president of
United States, each state shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature
may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of senators
and representatives
to which the state may be entitled in the congress of the United
States: And whereas the convention which framed the said constitution
that as soon as the conventions of nine states should have ratified
the said constitution,
the United States in congress assembled should fix a day on which electors
should be appointed by the states which should have ratified the same,
and a day
on which the electors should assemble to vote for the president, and
the time and
place for commencing proceedings under the said constitution, and that
after such
publication the electors shall be appointed, and the senators and representatives
elected: And whereas the United States in congress assembled,
by their act of the
thirteenth day of September, in the present year, reciting that the
said constitution
had been ratified in the manner therein declared to be sufficient for
the establishment
of the same, did resolve, that the first Wednesday in January next
be the
day for appointing electors in the several states ratifying the said
constitution before
the said day, and that the first Wednesday in February next be the
day for
the electors to assemble in their respective states and vote for a
president and vice-president:
And whereas a convention duly appointed by the people of this state
did, by their act of the twenty-eighth day of April, in the year of
our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, in the name and on the behalf
of the
said people, assent to and ratify the said constitution: In order
therefore to carry
the said constitution into effect, |
State divided
into districts. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That for the purpose
of choosing representatives in the congress of the United States, this
state be divided
into six districts, which shall be numbered from one to six; that Saint-Mary's,
Charles, and Calvert counties, compose the first district; Kent, Talbot,
Cæcil and Queen-Anne's, the second; Anne-Arundel, including the city
of Annapolis,
and Prince-George's, the third; Baltimore, including the town of
Baltimore, and Harford, the fourth; Somerset, Dorchester, Worcester and
Caroline, the fifth; and Frederick, Washington and Montgomery, the sixth
district. |
Election to be
made on first
Wednesday in
January, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the election of representatives for this state,
serve in the congress of the United States, shall be made by the citizens
of this
sate qualified to vote for members of the house of delegates, on the
first Wednesday
of January next, at the places in the city of Annapolis and Baltimore-town,
and in the several counties of this state, prescribed by the constitution
and laws of
this state for the election of delegates to the house of delegates, of
which elections
notice shall be given by the sheriffs of the respective counties, and the
judges of
the election for the city of Annapolis and Baltimore-town, in like manner
as for
the election of delegates to the house of delegates; and all and every
officer and
person, whose duty it is or maybe to attend, conduct and regulate, according
the constitution of this state, the general election to be held on the
first Monday
of October yearly, for delegates to the general assembly, are hereby authorised,
enjoined and required, to attend, conduct and regulate, the elections herein
to be held for the purposes aforesaid, in like manner, and within the same
space of time, as is by the constitution of this state directing for
holding the said
general election of delegates, and the several powers and authorities
to them given
by the said constitution, relating to the election of delegates to the
general assembly,
are hereby vested in the said officers respectively, for the purpose of
and conducting the said elections to be held in pursuance of the constitution
of the
United States, and this act. |