XV. |
of the account of the said tax, for which he shall be liable under this
act, shall
be enforced by the same mode of proceeding as prescribed by law for recovery
from the other collectors of the tax for the same year within this state. |
On refusal to
act, governor
and council
to appoint,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That if the said Zachariah Duvall shall neglect or
refuse to act, the governor and council shall appoint such other person
as they
shall approve, to execute the duties by this act imposed on the said Zachariah
Duvall; and that the said person so to be appointed by the governor and
shall give bond, with such security as the governor and council shall approve,
and that the commissioners shall settle the account of the said person
so to be appointed
in the same manner as they are directed by this act to settle with the
Zachariah Duvall; and that the payment of the money which shall be due
the said person to be appointed in virtue of this act, shall, after the
said days
respectively, be enforced in the same manner as is prescribed by law for
the recovery
of taxes from the other collectors for the year seventeen hundred and
eighty-six. |
Collectors to
collect the
fund tax, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said Zachariah Duvall, or upon his neglect
or refusal to act, the collector to be appointed by the governor and council
this act, shall be and is hereby authorised and empowered, upon his giving
to be approved as aforesaid, to collect the fund tax for the years seventeen
hundred and eighty-six, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven, and seventeen
and eighty-eight, in the same manner as the other collectors in this
state are
authorised and empowered to collect the said tax, and the same proceedings
be had to settle the account of the said fund tax, and to compel the payment
the said fund tax in the proportion and at the times limited by this act,
as are
prescribed for the settling the account and compelling the payment of the
for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six. |
And may appoint
&c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the said Zachariah Duvall, or the person to be
appointed under this act, in case of his refusal or neglect to act, shall
be and is
hereby authorised to appoint one or more deputies for executing the purposes
this act, and shall have the same proceeding to compel a settlement and
by his deputies, and their securities, that the other collectors in this
state have
by law against their deputies and securities. |
Two per
cent. to be
assessed, &c. |
VI. And be it
enacted, That the two per cent. allowed for extra commission
to the collector appointed by this act, be assessed on the districts Anne-Arundel
county for which he is collector. |
Passed May
27. |
An additional supplementary act to the act, entitled, An act for
building a new church in the city of Annapolis. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the trustees appointed to build the said
church were directed
by the aforesaid original act to build an elegant church, adorned
with a steeple, the expence whereof was estimated at six thousand
pounds current money, one half thereof to be raised by subscription, and
other half to be paid by the public and the parishioners equally:
And whereas
it appears to this general assembly, that the said trustees, in obedience
to the
aforesaid act, in the year seventeen hundred and seventy-six, purchased
to a large amount, most of which, during the war, were take and carried
party by individuals, and partly by the order of the council of safety,
for the
construction of batteries, barracks, and other public uses; that during
the war,
the said trustees were obliged to desist from the further prosecution of
the work;
that by a supplementary act passed in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five,
the said trustees were directed to proceed on the execution of the trust
reposed in
them, and to call on all persons who had any of the materials, and oblige
to account and pay for the same, and to open new subscriptions; that in
with the directions of the said act, the said trustees have procured a
subscription, to the amount of three thousand four hundred and fifty-four |