III. And be it
enacted, That the trustees of the poor and alms-house in Cæcil
county, and their successors, shall be entitled to receive the residue
of all personal
estates belonging to persons dying intestate and leaving no legal representative,
and the administrators of such estates shall be obliged to pay and satisfy
the balance
thereof to the trustees aforesaid, in the same manner as such administrators
should have been obliged to pay the same to a legal representative, if
any, to be
taken and applied as part of the funds for the support of the poor
in said county,
any thing in former laws to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Who are to
receive the
residue of all
estates, &c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the trustees aforesaid shall have power to purchase,
in fee-simple, any quantity of land not exceeding two hundred acres, any
thing in the act to which this is a supplement to the contrary notwithstanding,
for the use and benefit of the poor of said county. |
To purchase
land, &c. |
V. And be it
enacted, That the trustees of said alms and work-house, and
their successors, may take upon them the trust intended to be committed
to them,
by taking only the oath of office prescribed in the act above mentioned,
any thing
therein to the contrary notwithstanding, and when so qualified, they, or
a major
part of them, shall, at the time of their meeting in the first week in
annually, besides the powers heretofore given them, appoint by ballot a
to receive all the monies belonging to the funds of said institution, which
shall give bond with sufficient security to the trustees for the time being,
and their successors, that he will fairly and honestly account with said
for all property belonging to said funds which may come into his possession,
at the expiration of every year, or sooner if required by said trustees,
or their successors,
provided that such treasurer shall be one of the trustees for the time
and a compensation shall be made him for his trouble out of the funds aforesaid,
not exceeding three per cent. on the monies he receives and accounts
for. |
And take upon
them the
trust, &c. |
An ACT to alter the place for holding elections for delegates to the
general assembly in Baltimore county. |
Passed May
27. |
WHEREAS considerable numbers of the inhabitants
of Baltimore
county have petitioned this general assembly, setting forth the inconveniences
of holding their elections for delegates to the general assembly
in Baltimore-town. |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That hereafter all
elections for delegates for Baltimore county to the general assembly shall
be held
at a place in the said county now known by the name of the Burnt Tavern. |
Where elections
are to be
held. |
An ACT for the collection of the tax due in Anne-Arundel county
for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six. |
Passed May
27. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Zachariah Duvall
be appointed to collect the tax due in such of the districts in the said
county for which no collector has been appointed and given bond as required
by law, and the said Zachariah Duvall shall have the power to collect the
tax for the year seventeen hundred and eighty-six, in the said districts,
by distress
and sale, in the same manner as collectors were authorised by the act to
raise the
supplies for the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six; and the
appointed in virtue of this act shall give bond, with such security as
the governor
and council shall approve; and the said collector shall settle with the
and pay one half of all money for which he shall be answerable to the said
on or before the first day of October next, and the remaining half part
or before the first day of December next; and the said collector shall
receive for
his trouble a commission not exceeding six per cent. |
Z. Duvall
appointed to
collect, &c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the commissioners of the tax for Anne-Arundel
county shall settle the account of the said Zachariah Duvall, and that
payment |
to settle
his account,
&c. |