XI. |
state, and if convict in any county court at the expence of such county,
delivered to the person or persons appointed to take care of the criminals
in Baltimore
county; and the said person or persons are hereby directed and required
receive and work and treat such criminal in the same manner as the
convicted in Baltimore county; and every criminal so conveyed to Baltimore
county shall be subject in every respect to the regulations and provisions
before prescribed respecting the criminals convicted in Baltimore county;
every county sending a criminal to Baltimore county shall pay, at the
time of
delivery of such criminal, to the person or persons to whom such criminal
be delivered, the sum of five pounds, and the state will pay the same
sum for
every criminal sent by the general court; and any county court may
think proper, not exceeding
seven years for any one crime, on the public roads of their county,
in such case the said court may make such provisions and regulations
for the employment
of such criminals, and the expences thereof, as they may think proper. |
Justices, after
July, to execute
powers, &c. |
XV. And be it
enacted, That after the first day of July next, the justices
appointed in virtue of this act, or any three or more of them, be authorised
required to execute all powers vested in the commissioners of Baltimore-town
in virtue of the act, entitled, An act for the establishment and regulation
of a
night watch, and the erection of lamps, in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore
and after the said first day of July next, all the powers and jurisdiction
to the said commissioners under the said act shall cease and determine. |
Continuance. |
XVI. This act to continue in force until the
first day of January, one thousand
seven hundred and ninety. |
Passed May
27. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to alter the time of
holding Baltimore county court for civil causes. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by the act for altering the time of holding
Baltimore county
court for civil causes, there is no provision for licensing ordinary
keepers, and appointing constables and overseers of the roads; |
Justices may
licence ordinary
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of
Baltimore county court shall and may license ordinary keepers at their
courts, and appoint constables and overseers of the roads at their
April courts, in
the same manner as they used to license and appoint at their March,
August, and
November courts. |
Passed May
27. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the
poor of Cæcil county. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, that
Joseph Phelps,
late of Cæcil county, deceased, did, by his last will and testament,
bearing date the first day of November, seventeen hundred and
eighty-three, bequeath the residue of his estate to the poor of Saint
parish in said county; and it also appears from the representation
of the executor
of said Phelps, it was the intention of the deceased, that as soon
as a poor-house
was established, the said residue should be applied, as part of the
funds thereof,
for the support of said poor; |
Residue to be
accounted for
to trustees,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the residue of
said estate shall be paid and accounted for by the executor of said Phelps
to the
trustees of said alms and work-house in Cæcil county, they allowing
said executor
all reasonable charges and disbursements he has or may be at in the administration
of said estate. |