discharge their debts due from the said parish, and the lessees or purchasers
shall hold and possess such pews as they may lease or purchase, according
to the terms of lease or sale. |
XXI. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said vestry, and their successors, by
the name aforesaid, shall be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
in any court or courts, before any judge, judges or justices, within
this state, for any and all the purposes particularly specified in this
act. |
And may sue,
&c. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to appoint a trustee to take
care of the person and property of George Shipley, senior,
who is
insane. (A private act.) |
An ACT to empower Vachel Downes to collect the arrears
due for public and county assessments to Samuel
late sheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's county, deceased. |
WHEREAS Littillia Ridgaway, Edmund Farrell, and
Downes, by their petition to this general assembly have set
forth, that the aforesaid Samuel Ridgaway was sheriff for three
years, and collector of the public taxes and county rates for the county
aforesaid for two years now last past, that many and considerable balances
of the said taxes and rates remained due and in arrear to the said Samuel
the time of his death, which happened on the twelfth day of January
seventeen hundred and eighty-six; and that without the aid of the legislature,
many of the said balances may be lost, and others with great difficulty
and delay recovered, to the very great loss and injury of the securities
and representatives of the said Samuel Ridgaway, and therefore most
humbly pray, that an act of assembly may pass, empowering Vachel
Downes, one of the petitioners aforesaid, to collect all such balances
distress and sale of any property chargeable with the said taxes and rates,
and that after the payment of any balances due from the said Samuel for
the said taxes and rates, he the said Vachel Downes may pay over the residue
collected by him in virtue of the said act, first deducting the commission
for collection, to the said petitioners, to the uses of the last will
testament of the said Samuel Ridgaway; and it appearing to this general
assembly, that the prayer of the said petition is reasonable and ought
be granted, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said
Vachel Downes be, and he is hereby fully authorised and empowered, to
collect by execution, or otherwise, all arrears and balances due to the
Samuel Ridgaway, late sheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's county aforesaid,
for public and county taxes and rates, and for attornies and officers
fees, in as full and ample manner as the said Samuel Ridgaway might or
could have done within the time limited by law. |
V. Downes
authorised to
collect, &c. |
III. Provided
always, That nothing in this act shall be taken or
construed to grant any indulgence to the securities of the said Samuel
Ridgaway, or his executors or administrators, whereby the payment of the
taxes due to the public may be delayed longer than the first day of
next. |
Proviso. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the said Vachel Downes shall, and is
hereby directed, after payment of the arrears and balances due from the
said Samuel Ridgaway, deceased, for the taxes, rates, and fees aforesaid,
to |
Residue to be
paid to L.
&c. |