XXV. |
pay the residue of the monies collected by him in virtue of this act,
first deducting
the like commissions on the said collection which the said Samuel
Ridgaway would have been entitled to had he made the same, to the aforesaid
Littillia Ridgaway, Edmund Farrell, and Vachel Downes, to the
uses of the last will and testament of the said Samuel Ridgaway. |
An ACT to make valid a deed from John Craig to Hugh McBryde of
Caroline county. (A private act.) |
An ACT to make provision for the maintenance and education
of Joseph Handy, only son of a captain Joseph Handy. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Nancy Handy, widow of Joseph Handy, late
Somerset county, by her humble petition to this general assembly
hath set forth, that her husband Joseph Handy was killed
on board the barge Protector, belonging to this state, under the command
of commodore Zedekiah Walley, gallantly fighting in support of the
independence of his country: And whereas it appears by the petition
aforesaid, that the estate which was intended to be devised to the said
by her father Isaac Atkinson, was confiscated and sold by the
intendant of the revenue for a valuable consideration, and that the petitioner
aforesaid, and her orphan son, are left destitute of any support; and
this general assembly, in memory of, and gratitude for, the services of
captain Joseph Handy, and to encourage the like patriotism and heroic
bravery in others, think it proper to bring up, maintain, educate, and
provide for, the son of the said Joseph Handy; therefore, |
J. Handy to
be maintained,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Joseph
Handy, son of captain Joseph Handy aforesaid, shall be maintained and
educated at the public expence until he arrives to the age of twenty-one
years, and it is the desire of this assembly that he receive a college
in this state, and that on his arrival at the age of twenty-one years
aforesaid, there shall be paid to him by this state the sum of one thousand
pounds current money, and the governor for the time being is requested
to superintend the education of the said Joseph Handy, and to act as his
guardian, and to consider him as the adopted child of this state. |
An ACT to regulate the building and erecting of wharfs in
the port of the city of Annapolis. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the dispatch and ease of vessels, in taking
in and
discharging their lading, depends in a considerable degree
upon the convenience afforded by proper wharfs: And
whereas certain rules and regulations are necessary to enable the citizens
Annapolis to erect wharfs for the convenience of trade, in such manner
as not to prejudice the navigation of said port, either by encroaching
far upon the channel of the river, or by erecting wharfs in such places
said port, or in such manner, as may be deemed improper and prejudicial; |
Mayor, &c. to
appoint wardens,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
mayor, recorder, aldermen, and common council-men, of the city of
Annapolis, shall have power and authority to appoint, from time to time,
at such periods as they may deem most proper and convenient, certain
persons as wardens of the port of the city of Annapolis, which persons |