XX. |
Martin's church to Sinepuxent inlet, to the grist mill of the said Annanias
Hudson and Walton Purnell, and from the said mill to Freeman's
Branch, by which it was enacted, that the said road when made should be
a public road, and kept up at the public expence, and also that the commissioners,
or any three or more of them, should ascertain and value what
damage might be occasioned to any person or persons by such road passing
through his, her, or their land, which damage, when ascertained,
should be paid to such person or persons by the said Annanias Hudson and
Walton Purnell: And whereas it appears to this general assembly,
the humble petition of Walton Purnell and Annanias Hudson, that they
are not more benefited by the said road than the rest of the community,
nor more desirous of the same, and that the original petition must have
been misconceived, or the matter misrepresented; therefore, |
Part of an act
repealed, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all that
part of an act, made and passed at a session of assembly begun and held
the city of Annapolis on Monday the first day of November in the year
of our lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four, which directs,
that Annanias Hudson and Walton Purnell shall pay the damages that
may be occasioned to any person or persons by such road passing through
his, her, or their land, is hereby repealed. |
Justices to assess
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the justices of Worcester county court, at
their next levy court, shall levy upon the assessable property of the inhabitants
of said county, the sum so adjudged by the commissioners aforesaid,
to be the damages sustained by the persons through whose lands the road
as aforesaid shall run, and such sum, when collected, shall be paid to
"persons sustaining such damages. |
An ACT to authorise the vestry of Stepney parish, in
Somerset and Worcester counties, to settle and pay
the debts
of the parish, and for other purposes. |
Vestry to settle
with former
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the vestry
of Stepney parish, in Somerset and Worcester counties, and their
successors, be authorised and directed to cal on any former vestry
of the said parish, and any sheriff of either of the said counties, and
and either of the securities, and the executors or administrators of any
vestrymen of the said vestry, or of either of the said sheriffs, or of
either of
their securities, respectively, who have received or collected any money
tobacco belonging to the said parish, to settle and adjust their accounts
with the said parish with the present vestry and their successors, all
money and tobacco received on account of the said parish, and to account
with them for the expenditure of the said money and tobacco; and the
present vestry of the said parish, and their successors, are hereby required
to apply any money or tobacco by them received towards the payment of
the debts due from the said parish. |
To receive
&c. |
II. And,
whereas it is expected that a balance will still be due from the
said parish, Be it enacted, That the
present vestry of the said parish, and
their successors, be authorised to ask and receive subscriptions from any
the inhabitants of the said parish, who may be willing to contribute, to
pay the balance due from the said parish, and if a sum sufficient cannot
be procured by voluntary contribution on or before the first day of October
next, then the said vestry, and their successors, are hereby authorised
to sell or lease any of the pews, not being the property of any individuals,
in Salisbury or Spring-Hill chapels, to raise a sufficient sum of money
to |