IV. And be it
enacted, That the person or persons undertaking the
said causeway, wharf and bridge, are hereby authorised and empowered
take and use any the most convenient land or marsh for the making and
completing the said causeway, wharf and bridge. |
Most convenient
land to be
used, &c. |
An ACT to establish a road in Somerset county, to lead
from the Bear Swamp road till it intersects the
road from
King's-branch to Princess Anne. |
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Somerset county, by
humble petition to this general assembly have set forth, that
many of the inhabitants of said county labour under great
inconvenience and disadvantage for want of a convenient road to Princess-Anne,
and praying that law may pas empowering the justices of said
county court to lay out a new road from the Bear Swamp road, leding
from Stevens's ferry to the head of Back-creek, may be opened; and
appearing reasonable to this general assembly that the prayer of the
should be granted, |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices
of Somerset county court be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered,
to appoint three commissioners for the purpose of laying out a
new road, beginning at the Bear Swamp road, thence running as near as
may be with the divisional lines between Samuel Smith and William
Miles, thence with the lines between William Mitchell and Nehemiah King,
thence with the lines between David Wilson and Jesse King, till it intersects
the main road leading from King's-branch to Princess-Anne, and
that the commissioners, or any two fo them, be, and they are hereby authorised
and directed, to open and lay out the said road agreeably to the
prayer of the said recited petition, and that the said road be twenty feet
wide, and when open and laid out by the commissioners, or any two of
them, agreeably to this act, be deemed, taken and established, to all intents
and purposes, as a public road. |
Justices to appoint
&c. |
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to establish a road
in Worcester county, from the Sinepuxent road to Walton
Purnell and Annanias Hudson's grist mill, and from thence
to Freeman's Branch. |
WHEREAS the aforesaid Walton Powell and Annanias
Hudson, together with the inhabitants generally of the upper
part of the county aforesaid, did, by their humble petition to
the last general assembly, set forth, that there had been a road for a
time in the said county, leading from the Sinepuxent road to the mill of
Walton Purnell and Annanias Hudson, but that the said road never having
been made a public road by law, they were deprived of the benefit of
the said road, to their great injury and inconvenience; and it appeared
the general assembly that the facts were true, and that the prayer of the
said petition ought to be granted; in consideration of which it was enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, that Thomas Purnell,
Wallop's Neck, James Quinton, William Ironshire, Parker Selby, Brick-house,
and Isaac Marshall, or any three or more of them, should be
thereby authorised and empowered, to lay out a public road, twenty feet
wide, from the said Sinepuxent road, that is the road leading from Saint |
Preamble. |