XV. |
III. And be it
enacted, That the governor of this state be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed, on application of the aforesaid officers,
either of them, annually, or in quarterly proportions, to draw orders
the treasurer of the western shore, for a sum of money equal to half
respective pays, as aforesaid, either quarterly or annually, at the
election of
the respective officers, which shall be paid out of any unappropriated
money which may be in the treasury. |
As a donation
from this state,
&c. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That the aforesaid sums so granted and to be
paid, shall be considered as a donation from this state, and granted
agreeably to an act passed at October session one thousand seven hundred
and seventy-eight, and not in bar or in lieu of any advantage of
emolument which they, or either of them, may be entitled to receive
from the United States; provided that nothing shall be claimed by the
said officers under the said act of one thousand seven hundred and
except what is directed to be paid by this act. |
An ACT for extending the causeway through the marsh on
the south side of Wiccomico river at the lower ferry,
for other purposes therein mentioned. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Somerset county have,
their humble petition to this general assembly, prayed that the
causeway on the south side of Wiccomico river at the lower
ferry, may be extended through the marsh till it comes opposite the
wharf on the north side, and that a wharf may be made at the end of
said causeway, and also a bridge be built over a small gut over which
causeway must pass; and the prayer of the petition appearing reasonable, |
Causeway to
be extended,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the causeway
on the south side of Wiccomico river at the lower ferry, be extended
through the marsh until it comes opposite the wharf on the north side
of said river; and John Stewart, George Gale, George Scott, John Conway,
and Thomas Holbrook, or any three or more of them, are hereby
appointed commissioners, who shall, on or before the first day of July
next, contract and agree with some proper person or persons for the undertaking
and completing the said causeway, and making and building a
wharf and bridge, agreeable to the prayer of the above recited petition,
and they are hereby directed to take a bond, with good security, in the
penalty of three hundred pounds current money, payable to the justices
of SOmerset county court, conditioned for the well and sufficient making
and completing the said causeway, wharf, and bridge aforesaid. |
Justices to levy
money, &c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the justices of Somerset county are hereby
empowered and required, at their next levy court, to levy on the assessable
property of the inhabitants of said county, a sum not exceeding
two hundred pounds current money, which sum, so assessed, shall be
collected by the collector of Somerset county aforesaid, as other county
levies are collected, who for his trouble shall have the same commission
as on the collection of other public dues; and the said collector is hereby
required and directed, to pay the same to the commissioners aforesaid,
are hereby authorised and required to apply the same to the making the
causeway, wharf and bridge, aforesaid, which said wharf, bridge and
causeway, when completed, shall be deemed a public highway, and kept
in order at the county expence as other highways. |