allowance to the said John Stevens and Moses Allen, that they, or the
major part of them, may think just, for the depreciation (if any) of
money which the said John Stevens and Moses Allen may have received
in virtue of the aforesaid act, entitled, An act for the relief of the
poor in
Talbot county, any thing in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. |
XV. |
XXVI. And be
it enacted, That the aforesaid act of assembly,
entitled, An act for the relief of the poor in Talbot county, except so
much thereof as respects the recovery of the monies collected in virtue
thereof, be, and is hereby repealed and made void. |
An act repealed,
&c. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act empowering the
justices of Montgomery county, to assess and levy a
sum of
money on the inhabitants of said county, for the purposes
therein mentioned. |
WHEREAS by an act of convention, passed the fourteenth
day of August seventeen hundred and seventy-six, and by an
act of the general assembly of Maryland, entitled, An act to
empower the justices of Montgomery county, to levy a sum of money on
the inhabitants of said county for the purposes therein mentioned, it was
enacted, that the monies by the said acts were directed when collected,
to be paid into the hands of the commissioners appointed by the above
recited act of convention: And whereas Nathan Magruder, one of the
said commissioners, is since dead, Henry Griffith, one other of the said
commissioners, is disqualified, and John Murdock, one other of the
said commissioners, is rendered incapable of doing business from infirmness
of body: And whereas it is found very difficult, from the local situations
of the remaining commissioners, to obtain a meting of the whole; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Messieurs
Joseph Wilson, Richard Wootton, and James Perry, be appointed to act
as commissioners, in conjunction with the remaining commissioners, and
that they have all the powers vested in the commissioners by the above
recited act of convention. |
&c. |
An ACT for the relief of certain maimed and disabled
officers. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly, That
Anderson, Perry Benson, James Somerville, James Bruff, and
James Ewing, late captains in the Maryland line in the continental
army, and John Lynn, John Trueman, and Isaac Hanson, late
lieutenants in the same, have, in the service of their country, been
wounded, maimed and disabled, in such a manner as to prevent them
from being able to gain a livelihood: And whereas this general assembly
are sensible of their services, and willing to contribute to their future
and happiness; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
above named officers be, and they are hereby entitled to receive a sum
money, which shall be equal to one half of the pay which they were entitled
respectively to receive as officers in the army. |
Officers to receive
a sum of
money, &c. |