III. And be it
enacted, That the said forfeitures shall be deducted out of the
allowances of the respective persons incurring the same on the journal
of accounts,
if sufficient, or if they shall not be entitled to such allowance, or a
thereof, the clerk of each house shall transmit, from time to time, to
the sheriffs of the counties respectively, a true and perfect account of
all forfeitures
incurred by this act, or the balances thereof, to be collected and accounted
for in the same manner as the public assessment. |
V. |
IV. This act to commence on the first Monday
of March next, and to continue
three years, and until the end of the next session of assembly which shall
happen thereafter. |
continuance. |
An ACT to settle and pay the civil list, and other expences of civil
government. |
Passed December
6. |
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities
and labour, to the
public, ought to receive a reasonable and adequate compensation for
their services; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the several officers
of civil government for the time being, shall be entitled to receive at
rate of the following salaries in current money for the ensuing year, to
Each member of the council seventy-five pounds for the performance of the
duties required by the constitution and form of government, and for business
transacted by them under particular acts of assembly, not enjoined by the
the sum of fifty pounds; the chancellor, as judge of the land-office, one
hundred pounds; the treasurer of the western shore six hundred pounds;
the treasurer
of the eastern shore one hundred and fifty pounds; the auditor two hundred
and fifty pounds; the deputy-auditor one hundred and twenty-five pounds;
clerk of the council two hundred pounds; the clerk of the senate thirty
the clerk of the house of delegates seventy-five pounds; the printer to
the state
three hundred and seventy-five pounds; the messenger to the council thirty
pounds. |
Officers salaries. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the said salaries shall be paid out of any of the
arrearages of the taxes unappropriated. |
How to be
paid. |
IV. And be it
enacted, That each delegate to congress from this state, shall
be allowed thirty-five shillings current money for every day he shall attend,
be on his journey to or from, congress, in full satisfaction for all expences;
this allowance shall be constantly paid out of any public money in the
not specially appropriated to other purposes; and the delegates are
required not
to attend in congress more than three at the same time, unless on very
occasions. |
to delegates
to congress,
&c. |
An ACT to record a deed from Richard Wiley to William Hunter,
late of Baltimore county. |
Passed December
6. |
WHEREAS Peter Hunter, by his humble petition to
this legislature,
hath set forth, that Richard Wiley, on the sixteenth day of January,
seventeen hundred and sixty-five, did sell unto his father, William
Hunter, deceased, part of a tract of land called Taylor's Discovery, situate,
lying and being, in Baltimore county aforesaid, containing about one hundred
and fifty acres of land, more or less; that the full consideration money
was paid
for the same, and that a conveyance was executed by the said Richard Wiley,
and acknowledged before two justices of the said county, agreeable to the
for recording of deeds; that the said William Hunter remained in possession
and enjoyed the said farm during his life, and since his decease the
same has
been used, possessed and enjoyed, by his mother, Frances Hunter, the widow
of the said William Hunter, until the present time; that the said William
Hunter |
Preamble. |