VII. |
died intestate, leaving the petitioner, his son and heir at law, an
infant under
twenty-one years of age, and that he became of age in the month of May
past; that the deed of conveyance aforesaid, by accident, was not recorded
agreeable to law, and that he took the earliest opportunity of petitioning
chancellor to have the same recorded; that it appearing to the chancellor,
the said Richard Wiley having gone to Virginia several years ago, and it
not being
in the jurisdiction of the chancery court in that case to decree that the
deed should be recorded, he prayed that the same should be aided by an
act of
assembly, in order that the said deed should be as good and valid as if
within six months from its acknowledgment; and the prayer of the said petitioner
appearing reasonable; |
Deed to be
recorded, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may
be lawful for the said Peter Hunter to have the said deed recorded amongst
land records of Baltimore county, at any time within six months from
the passing
of this act, and that the same deed, when so recorded, shall be as good,
and effectual, to every intent and purpose intended thereby, as if it had
recorded within the time limited by law, agreeable to the act for the enrollment
of deeds, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; saving to all persons,
herein mentioned, their several and respective rights. |
Passed December
6. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the inspection of
salted provisions exported and imported from and to
the town
of Baltimore. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by the aforesaid act it is among other things
that all fish-barrels imported or brought into the town of Baltimore,
shall be of particular dimensions, as is herein described; and it appearing
to this general assembly, that from the scarcity of fish the two last seasons,
many fish-barrels and staves, actually cut and dressed before the above
law passed,
shall remain on hand, and it being reasonable that a further time should
be given
for the disposal of such barrels; |
Inspector to
pass all fish-barrels,
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the inspector
of salted provisions for Baltimore-town, shall be and is hereby authorised
and required
to pass all fish-barrels brought to the town of Baltimore as aforesaid
on or
before the first day of November next, they being in conformity with the
above mentioned in every other respect than their size and dimensions;
it shall be made appear by the oath or affirmation of the owner of maker
of said
barrels, certified by any justice of the peace of this state, or made before
inspector, who is hereby authorised to administer the same, " That the
so offered for inspection were actually made, or the staves in them were
cut and dressed, before the above-mentioned law did pass:" And provided
that no fish-barrels shall be passed which shall be deemed by the inspector
to be of less dimensions than fish-barrels usually made before passing
above law; and that said barrels may be distinguished from those made in
with the law aforesaid, the said inspector is hereby required to put
every barrel so passed, in addition to the brand-marks already directed,
the letter
S, any thing in said law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed December
6. |
An ACT respecting the continuance of civil suits in the general
and county courts. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS by law no action can be continued in the
general court
beyond the end of the fourth court after the appearance court, except
only in causes where evidences are wanted from beyond sea: And
whereas by law no action can be continued in any county court beyond the
of the third court after the appearance court, unless on affidavit
that testimony
material is wanting: And whereas the said courts respectively ought
to have a |