III. |
knows or believes that the distances mentioned in the certificate were
run, and that no more land is contained by the lines and boundaries
than returned
by the surveyor," be and are hereby repealed. |
Passed December
6. |
A Supplement to the act for laying out roads from Snell's bridge
and Green's bridge, on Patuxent, to the bridge over
falls, near Ellicott's lower mills. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the mode prescribed by the said act to ascertain
and value
the damages to be sustained by persons through whose lands the said
roads might pass, by occasion thereof, has been found to be inconvenient,
and not to answer the valuable purposes intended by said act; |
to ascertain
&c. |
II. Be it enacted,
the General Assembly of Maryland, That the commissioners
appointed by the said act, shall ascertain and value what damages may
sustained by persons through whose lands the said roads may pass, by
thereof; and in case any proprietor or proprietors, or their guardian
or trustee,
shall conceive themselves aggrieved by the valuation of the commissioners
of the
damages to be sustained by opening the said road through their land,
that it shall
and may be lawful for the said commissioners, or any two of them, on
for that purpose by any person interested, to issue their warrant,
under hand
and seal, directed to the sheriff of Anne-Arundel county, commanding
him to
summon twenty-four persons, qualified by law to be of the petit jury
of the said
county, to appear on a day, by them to be appointed, on the land through
which the said road may be proposed to be carried, and of the persons
so summoned
the said commissioners and the party interested shall alternately strike
one, until the number twelve shall remain, and the said twelve persons
so remaining
shall be the jury, and shall taken an oath or affirmation, truly and
to estimate the damages of the party according to the direction of
this act, and
the best of their judgment; and the said jurors, or any number not
less than nine
of them, shall, on their oath aforesaid, estimate and value the said
damages, and
that, in estimating the said damages, the said persons shall take into
the advantages and disadvantages to be derived to the party interested
from having
the said road carried through his lands as may be proposed, which valuation,
made and returned, shall be conclusive, and the party or parties in
whose favour
the said valuation shall be made, shall be entitled to receive the
same from the
said commissioners, and which shall be paid by the said commissioners
within six
months after the said valuation, any valuation before made under the
said act
notwithstanding. |
Passed December
16. |
An ACT to compel the attendance of the members of the general
assembly. |
Penalty on
members not
&c. |
BE it enacted,
by the General Assembly of Maryland, That if any member
of the senate or house of delegates, or any person who may hereafter
be elected a member of the senate or house of delegates, shall neglect
appear in the house of which he now is, or hereafter shall be elected a
or shall neglect to send a written resignation, on the day appointed for
the meeting
of the general assembly, or after appearance shall absent himself without
leave, such person shall forfeit and pay twenty shillings current money
for every
day during the session he shall neglect to appear, or send such resignation
as aforesaid,
unless prevented by sickness, or such cause as may be deemed a sufficient
excuse by a joint committee of both houses, to be appointed as herein after
directed. |
to be appointed,
&c. |
II. And be it
enacted, That the said joint committee shall consist of three
members of the senate and three members of the house of delegates, to be
by ballot for the purpose aforesaid, by the house of which they are respectively
members, on the second Wednesday of every session. |