RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore
pay to Robert Issabel
the sum of nine pounds, due him for eight days riding express by the direction
of the senate.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay
to Jesse Suit the
sum of three pounds fifteen shillings, due him for two days riding express,
his expences for ferriages, by the direction of the senate.
RESOLVED, That commissioners be appointed to view
and report their
opinion of a common highway or road to be opened, cleared and made, in
streight a line as the country will permit, (not going through any garden,
yard or
orchard, without the owner's consent) from Baltimore-town to Bell-air,
in Harford
county, and from thence, in two different directions, to the lower cross
roads and the Bald Friar ferry, on Susquehanna, and to employ proper and
persons to make an accurate survey thereof.
RESOLVED, That Nicholas Britton, Clement Green and Charles
Carnan, of Baltimore county, William Smithson, Jacob Norris and Buckler
Bond, of Harford county, or any three of them, be commissioners for
the purpose
aforesaid, and that they make a return of their proceedings to the next
general assembly.
RESOLVED, That the government house be finished,
so far as is necessary,
under the direction of his excellency the governor; and that the external
part of
the roof and dome on the stadt-house be finished, as also the cornice,
and the windows
glazed, the work to be painted, and the scaffolds truck, and that the necessary,
within the circle, be enclosed and made useful, the accounts closed and
settled up, and all further work or said buildings suspended until the
order of the legislature.
RESOLVED, That the interest due from collectors of
public taxes be referred
to the consideration of the next general assembly, and that in the mean
time the principal only shall be made or exacted on executions against
them or
their securities.
WHEREAS the general assembly, at this present session,
have directed that
the emissions of June, seventeen hundred and eighty, called state and
state money, should be received in payment of all taxes, not appropriated
to congress:
And whereas the bonds given for property sold, payable in specie only,
and on which bonds the money was due before the first January, seventeen
and eighty-six, were pledged by the consolidating act for the redemption
said emissions; and this general assembly have thought proper to grant
indulgence to the said debtors; RESOLVED, That any executions issued against
the said debtors, or any of them, be and is hereby suspended, on the interest
paid, and that nor further process shall issue against any of them, having
all the interest due before the end of the next session of assembly, and
the said
debtors, in the mean time, may pay into the treasury the interest or any
part of
the principal due from them on their bonds aforesaid.
WHEREAS an appeal is now depending in the court of
appeals on the question,
whether purchasers of confiscated property, since the consolidating
act, can
pay their annual interest in specie certificates, made receivable for the
due for the said purchases; RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western
be, and is hereby authorised to suspend and stop all actions and executions
against the debtors of confiscated property purchased since the consolidating
till the court of appeals shall determine thereon, on the appeal now depending
before them for that purpose; and the attorney-general of this state is
directed to apply to the said court at the ensuing term for a decision
of the said
RESOLVED, That the five commissioners appointed by
the general assembly
on the twentieth of February, seventeen hundred and eighty-six, to
commissioners from Pennsylvania and Delaware, or any three or more of them,