RESOLUTIONS assented to
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly
by sundry inhabitants
of Cæcil county, that they purchased from the late intendant of the
revenue several
parcels of land now in the said county, but formerly within the lines of
Pennsylvania and Delaware, which lands, or parts thereof, the said purchasers
claim title to under the laws of the said states, and request time
to produce
vouchers to support their said claims; RESOLVED, That all process and
against the said purchasers be countermanded by the attorney-general,
and not renewed before the end of the next session of assembly, and the
late intendant
is directed to return lists of such purchasers to the attorney-general
the treasurer of the western shore.
WHEREAS the general assembly, on the twentieth day
of January last, by
their resolution of that day, for the reasons therein expressed, directed
that no
process should issue against the property left by Ely Alexander, late of
county, deceased, until the end of the next session of assembly thereafter,
the same motives remain to grant further indulgence; RESOLVED, That the
issuing process against the said property be further delayed until the
end of the
next session of assembly.
RESOLVED, That the estate of Legh Master be delivered
up to him on
his paying the costs this state hath been put to on account thereof.
RESOLVED, That each of the deputies appointed by this
state to meet
the federal convention, be allowed for every day's attendance, and travelling
to and from said convention, the same per diem allowance as delegates
from this state have for each day's attendance for the present year in
and that they be paid in like manner.
RESOLVED, That the execution against Job Garretson,
and his securities,
be and is hereby suspended until the tenth day of September next, and that
chancellor be, and is hereby authorised and empowered to inquire into the
principles upon which the award between the said Garretson and the state
founded, and on a view and consideration of all circumstances attending
his case,
and the said contract, to make such decree therein as equity and justice
may require,
and the decree, when made, shall be transmitted to the treasurer of the
western shore before the tenth day of September next, who is directed to
with the said Garretson accordingly.
UPON the second reading of the petition of Robert
Long and William King,
RESOLVED, That the executions against the said Robert Long and William
King, as securities of Mark Alexander, be suspended till the tenth day
of September
next; that the sheriff be indemnified for suffering them to go at large,
and that they may be taken again on the present or new executions, unless
chancellor decrees to the contrary.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested
to appoint and
employ some skilful person to lay out the manors, and such parts of the
and vacant lands, belonging to this state, lying to the westward of
Fort Cumberland,
as he may think fit and capable of being settled and improved, in lots
fifty acres each, bounded by a fixed beginning and four lines only, unless
on the
sides adjoining elder surveys; that the beginning of each lot be marked
marking irons, or otherwise, with the number thereof, and that a fair book
such surveys, describing the beginning of each lot by its situation, as
well as
number, be returned and laid before the next general assembly; that a brief
of the improvements which may happen to be on any lot, and the name of
person, if any settled thereon, be inserted at the foot of the certificate
of survey
thereof, and that the reasonable expence of such surveys be paid by this
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested
to cause the auditor-general,
or other proper officer, to make out an accurate and fair list of the
officers and soldiers who are entitled to counties of land under the promises
this state, and to lay the same before the next general assembly.