due thereon, in final settlements, interest whereof unpaid since December,
at the rate of twenty-two shillings and six-pence principal of such finals
for every
ten shillings due on the said bonds, including the interest thereon to
the time of
such payment, one third of the principal, with the interest then due,
being paid
on or before the tenth day of September next; another third of the principal,
with the interest due, being paid on or before the first day of March next;
the residue of principal and interest due being paid on or before the first
day of
June, 1788: Provided, that if any of the aforesaid debtors shall
omit or neglect
to make payment of one third part of their respective debts aforesaid,
in manner
aforesaid, with interest as aforesaid, by the tenth day of September next,
that the
treasurer of the western shore shall order execution against such delinquent
debtor or debtors for the whole amount of the principal and interest due
them respectively, according to the true intent and meaning of their original
and in case default shall be made by the said debtors, or any of them,
paying one other third part of the principal, with the interest due, on
the first
day of March next, in manner aforesaid, that then, and in such case, the
payment made by the said debtors shall be forfeited, and executions
shall issue
for the whole principal and interest, in manner as is directed in case
of failure of
the first payment; and if the said debtors, or any of them, shall make
default in
the last payment, on the first day of June, 1788, that then executions
shall issue
against the said debtor or debtors so neglecting, for the remaining third
part of
the principal and interest due from them respectively, agreeably to their
contracts; and the same shall be levied and received from the said
debtors, notwithstanding
the two first payments have been made in final settlements as
RESOLVED, That no execution shall issue against any
of the said debtors
who shall make payment in final settlements in manner aforesaid; and that
the said payments being made, they be released from their bonds, contracts
judgments, as the case may be.
RESOLVED, That continental state and state money, with
the interest calculated
thereon, be received in payment of all taxes, except the ten shillings
and the duties appropriated to congress.
RESOLVED, That any debtor to this state, whose original
purchase or
contract was for state or continental state money, may discharge any balance
by him in consequence of such purchase or contract, in final settlements
at the
same rate, and on the same terms and conditions, as debtors on bond, conditioned
for the payment of either of the said emissions, and executions or
process against any such debtors shall be strayed or countermanded, in
the same
manner as against debtors on bond as aforesaid.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly by
sundry inhabitants
of Cæcil county, that they purchased certain lands in the said county
from the
late intendant of the revenue in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-five,
gave bonds for payment, with annual interest, under the expectation that
weeks notice would be given to them of the time of payment of the interest
on their bonds, and that some person would be appointed to receive the
of the purchase money, which in many instances amounted only to a few shillings;
and that executions were issued from the general court of the western shore
to compel payment of the very trivial sums due on their bonds for interest,
were set aside by the general court, and afterwards writs issued against
the aforesaid
debtors for the same purpose, and great and exorbitant fees were claimed,
many instances far above the sums due for interest, and the treasurer declined
receive the said interest without payment of the aforesaid fees; and this
assembly are desirous of granting relief to all reasonable applications
by any of
the citizens of this state; RESOLVED, That the debtors on the said bonds
permitted to pay the interest, or the principal and interest due by them
to the
public without any costs, at any time before the first day of August
next, and
that in the mean time no declaration shall be filed, or any thing further
done in
the said suits whereby the costs therein may be increased.