RESOLUTIONS assented to
RESOLVED, That the sum of seventeen shillings and
six-pence current
money per day be allowed to each member of the general assembly for
his attendance
during the November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-six, and
like sum per day for itinerant charges, and the usual rates for ferriages.
UPON the second reading of the report on the petition
of Simon Nicholls,
late collector of Montgomery county, RESOLVED, That the treasurer of
western shore be, and he is hereby authorised and directed to approve
and receive
the bond and security lodged with him by the said Simon Nicholls, under
and by
virtue of an act passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
eighty-six, entitled,
An act for the relief of Simon Nicholls, late collector of the public
tax for
Montgomery county, and of Alexander Catlett and Thomas Nicholls, his
RESOLVED, That the auditor-general be, and he is
hereby empowered
and directed to draw on the treasurer of the western shore, to pay
to captain William
Stone the sum of five hundred and forty pounds current money, with
thereon from the twenty-fourth day of June, seventeen hundred and eighty-three,
in payment for the sails, rigging, &c. of the brig Friendship,
and also
the further sum of fifteen pounds like money for an iron cabouse, left
on board
the said vessel, all which were agreed to be returned to the said captain
Stone by
the late intendant, on a reference between the state and the said Stone,
the said
captain William Stone making it first appear to the auditor-general,
either by his
own oath or otherwise, that he has not received any of the said articles,
or any
payment, security or satisfaction, for the same.
ON the second reading of the report on the petition
of Job Garretson, of Baltimore
county, RESOLVED, That the claim of the said Job Garretson against
this state, for three hundred and eighty-eight pounds fifteen shillings
and eight-pence
three farthings, (for the confinement of deserters and prisoners of
war, and
other services) is just and reasonable, and that the treasurer of the
western shore
be, and he is hereby authorised and required to place the same to the
credit of
the said Garretson's account as collector for the said county in the
year seventeen
hundred and eighty, and if any balance remains in his favour, to give
him a certificate
therefor, discountable in taxes.
WHEREAS William Frisby and Sarah Hanson, of Kent
county, by their
petition to this general assembly, have set forth, that John Page,
of the said
county, one of the guardians of Elizabeth Hanson, who intermarried
with the
said William Frisby, and Sarah Hanson, in the year seventeen hundred
eighty-two, paid to John Vorhees, deputy-commissary of Kent county,
the quantity
of fifty-four bushels of wheat, in discharge of the taxes that were
due from
him as guardian aforesaid, which he never had any credit for, although
the state received
the wheat so delivered; that the certificate issued by the said John
was lost or mislaid, which was the cause that the account of the collector
not credited; and the said facts appearing to this general assembly
to be true,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore shall, and he is
hereby authorised
and directed to issue a certificate to William Frisby and Sarah Hanson
the sum of twenty pounds five shillings current money, to be discounted
in any
public taxes due, or that may become due; provided, that a sufficient
bond be
given to the treasurer of the western shore to repay the said sum of
twenty pounds
five shillings, with interest, if it shall hereafter appear that the
said certificate has
been received by taxes or otherwise by this state.
RESOLVED, That no execution issue on any bond to
the state, payable, according
to the condition of the said bonds, in continental state, or state
commonly called black state money, until after the tenth day of September
and if any execution has issued on such bond, that the same be countermanded
by the attorney-general, the defendant paying the costs, if any.
RESOLVED, That the debtors on such bonds, judgments
or contracts, for
the Nottingham company's property, payable, according to the bond or
in bills of credit called black or state continental bills, may discharge
any balance