money, shall be and hereby is imposed on all goods, wares and merchandise,
(not heretofore particularly enumerated and liable to specific duties,)
into this state by land or water, and an additional duty of one penny current
money per gallon on every gallon of West-India rum imported into this state
land or water, and a duty of eight-pence current money for every bushel
of salt
imported into this state by land or water; and the said duties shall be
paid, or
secured to be paid, at the time, and in the same manner as other duties
are to be
paid, or secured to be paid, by the laws of this state; and the several
naval officers
shall collect the said duties, and render an account of, and pay the same
into the treasury, at the same time, and under the same penalty, as they
are required
by law to collect, account for, and pay other duties; and the said duties
shall be paid in Spanish milled dollars at seven shillings and six-pence
each, or
French or English crowns at eight shillings and four-pence each, or in
Spanish, British, or Portugal gold coin, at the rate of six shillings and
per pennyweight, and in nothing else; ad the treasurer of the western shore
shall keep all money by him received for the said duties separate and
apart from
all other public money, and the said duties shall be and continue appropriated
the payment of the annual interest on the loan to be liquidated and ascertained
the debt due from this state to the said Nicholas and Jacob Vanstaphorst,
and to
no other use or purpose whatsoever, until the principal of the debt shall
be wholly
paid and fully discharged; and this general assembly engage not to apply
any part
of the surplus of the said duties beyond what may be sufficient to pay
the annual
interest aforesaid, without leaving at least a sufficient sum to pay one
full year's
interest on the capital debt aforesaid. |
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act respecting surplus lands. |
Passed May
26. |
WHEREAS doubts have arisen, whether on a warrant
of resurvey including
several tracts, the surplus land of one of the tracts ought not
to be applied to make up the deficiency of the others; |
Preamble. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That no surplus land
of one tract shall hereafter be applied to make up the deficiency of any
tract included in the same warrant of resurvey on any certificate now or
to be returned on resurvey of any tract, or part of a tract of land, granted
before the first day of January, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven. |
Surplus not
to be applied
to make up
&c. |
assented to April session, 1787.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be requested
to draw on the
treasurer of the western shore for such sums of money as they may deem
necessary to defray the expence to be incurred by sending to the gentlemen
appointed to meet the convention to be held at Philadelphia a notification
their appointment.
UPON the second reading of the report on the petition
of Henry Stevenson,
late collector of Baltimore county, RESOLVED, That he receive the benefit
advantage of the act of November session, seventeen hundred and eighty-five,
entitled, An act relative to the arrearages of taxes due the state before
the first
day of January, 1783, and likewise that he be released from the payment
of the
penalty of fifteen per cent. interest, provided he gives bond and
good security for
the payment of the balance due by him to the state, with interest of six
per cent.
per annum, from the time the said money became due until he shall actually
as aforesaid, agreeable to the act aforesaid, on or before the first day
of June
ON the second reading the petition of Jane Roberts,
and others, RESOLVED,
That the bond given by Thomas May, respecting the property of John Roberts,
late of the state of Pennsylvania, be cancelled and delivered up to Thomas
heir of the said John Roberts.