XLI. |
said money, so to be assessed and levied, shall be collected by the
sheriff or collector
of Washington county for the time being, from the inhabitants of said
county, in the same manner as other public levies and county assessments
are by law
collected, and shall be paid by the said sheriff or collector to the
justices of the
said county, and shall be by them applied to the finishing the prison in
said county,
and to no other use or purpose whatsoever. |
Passed May
26. |
An ACT to procure a permanent fund for the debt due from this
state to Messieurs Vanstaphorst. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS this state is indebted on loan from Messieurs
Nicholas and
Jacob Vanstaphorst, on a contract made with them by Matthew Ridley,
agent of this state, bearing date the thirty-first day of July, seventeen
hundred and eighty-two, and are desirous of complying with the said
contract, according to the determination of the arbitrators chosen on the
part of
this state and the said Messieurs Vanstaphorst, but, from the very heavy
incurred by this government in consequence of the late war, it is not in
power to provide means to pay the same within the time the said Messieurs
may expect; and this state desire, and it is the wish of this government,
to do every thing in its power to satisfy the said Messieurs Vanstaphorst
the said contract; |
A proposal to
be made, &c. |
II. Be it enacted,
by the general assembly of Maryland, That it be, and is
hereby proposed by this general assembly, to Messieurs Nicholas and Jacob
to add to the loan from them to this state a sum of money as a compensation
for their profits from the difference in price between the sum stipulated
to be allowed by them to this state, and the probable price they can obtain
the one thousand hogsheads of tobacco to be delivered them annually for
space of ten years; also a further sum of money as a compensation for their
on the remittance of the said tobacco, and for other incidental expences
and charges; and that the original loan, with the said sums allowed for
and consolidated as aforesaid, be considered as a debt to be due from this
state on the first day of September, seventeen hundred and eighty-seven,
and to
bear, from that time, an annual interest thereon, and that such debt
be in lieu
and full satisfaction of the loan and contract aforesaid, and all the terms
and conditions
thereof, and that this state shall discharge the principal within the term
of ten years from the said first day of September, seventeen hundred and
and may, at their option, pay the principal at any time after the expiration
of five years from the said first day of September, seventeen hundred and
eighty-seven. |
Agents appointed,
&c. |
III. And be
it enacted, That the honourable Charles Carroll, of Carrollton,
Thomas Johnson and Uriah Forrest, Esquires, be and are hereby appointed
agents on behalf of this state to make the above proposition to Messieurs
and Jacob Vanstaphorst, and to negotiate, agree, and finally adjust with
the sum to be by them received for compensation for their profits as aforesaid,
and also the sum to be by them received for compensation for their commission,
and other incidental expences and charges; and the faith of this government
hereby pledged to the said Messieurs Vanstaphorst to perform the contract
to be
made by the said agents on behalf of this state, according to the trust
and power
reposed in them, and this government do hereby engage to pay to the said
Vanstaphorst the money that shall be so adjusted with them, agreeably to
the proposal aforesaid; and the said agents, or any two of them, or any
one of
them with the approbation of the other two, shall have power to negotiate
finally agree with the said Vanstaphorsts, agreeably to the power and trust
in the said agents by this act. |
duty imposed,
&c. |
IV. And,
as a permanent fund to pay the annual interest on the sum to be
liquidated and ascertained as aforesaid, Be
it enacted, That from and after the
end of this present session of assembly, as additional duty of one per
cent. current |